The Boys New Home!

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Pets Palace TV

Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 12, 2014
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For a long time I have had 2 of my boars living alone due to previous fights; they even drew blood from each other which is why we made the decision to separate them - they were living next to each other but because their runs were made from wood and perspex it was very difficult for them to interact. The 2 boys runs were also a little on the small side (especially Pudsey's) so we decided to dismantle all the runs and the tables they were sat on which was a big job! We also have 2 more younger males who lived in the larger wooden run next to Pudsey. Here is a picture of the boys previous runs..
Screen Shot 2014-10-29 at 20.02.52.webp
Those runs were great however the 2 separated males weren't getting enough interaction and I was worried that they would become lonely & depressed. On several occasions we considered introducing all 4 boars together so none of them were lone pigs however this was too risky and there would be a possibility that all 4 boars would have to be split up so we decided not to do this. As a solution to this problem we built a large 6 x 4 C&C and split it into three 2 x 4 cages so that they can all interact with each other 24/7 and they also have the option to be on their own if they want. I think this was the best and safest thing we could do for them and I am so pleased with how they reacted! Pudsey and Bramley (the 2 separated males) now sleep next to each other under their hay racks and they both love interacting with the younger boars & each other. Here are some pictures of their new setup...P1090021.webpP1090018.webp

4 happy guineas :)
Do you happen to have a YouTube channel? The first one looks familiar too me, haha!

Looks amazing, btw!
Yes, I have a channel - it's the same as my username on here and thank you! :)
Oh hi Erin! I already knew about this as I saw it on youtube :)
Great setup, I'm sure the piggies are loving it!
Really? :) It's nice to know that people on the forum have watched my videos! Thanks, they sure are :)
Those cages look great! Its a shame more people don't do this when their boars fall out, instead of re-homing one of them.
Brilliant job! As I have said on another post, this is the great advantage of C&C units as they are so adaptable and give owners options with their guinea families! As a fosterer it is important for me to have a variety of possible set-ups to suit all eventualities.
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