The Boys Gave Me Such A Fright This Morning

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
Chester le Street, Durham
MrS was already in the kitchen when I came downstairs this morning. Toby & Barney would normally be pulling on the run bars to be let out but there was no sign of them. I chattered away to them while I opened the curtains and eventually Toby wandered out of the bedroom but Barney was nowhere to be seen. I was starting to get a little bit concerned by this point so I opened the bedroom door. I couldn't see Barney but they have a pigloo in there as well. They had turned it round so I couldn't see inside it. I knew Barney must be in the pigloo but there wasn't a single sound coming from it - no rustling in the hay or anything. I shuffled the pigloo a little bit and.... nothing! So by now I was feeling really panicked and just a little bit sick. I ended up having to stand on the other side of the room and get MrS to lift the pigloo and I really thought something bad had happened. So he lifted the pigloo and out scooted a fast moving Barney! He must have been having a lie in!

And there was me thinking that I was one of life's 'copers'! I deal with life emergencies on a regular basis at work without batting an eyelid but it turns out that where my little furry friends are concerned I have an absolute terror of something bad happening. So thank goodness they were both ok but I am dreading the day when they aren't...
Oh I know that feeling, it's absolutely awful! *hug* Glad everything turned out ok, cheeky little piggy!
Aww, poor you! That must have been a horrible moment - naughty Barney!

I had something similar recently - all I could see of Pixel was her bum sticking out from underneath a pile of hay and she wasn't moving; I even went out of the room and came back a couple of minutes later and she hadn't moved. I gave her a poke - still nothing. Then finally she sprang to life and wriggled out backwards looking at me like "Do you mind, hoomin? I was having a snooze!"
Aww, poor you! That must have been a horrible moment - naughty Barney!

I had something similar recently - all I could see of Pixel was her bum sticking out from underneath a pile of hay and she wasn't moving; I even went out of the room and came back a couple of minutes later and she hadn't moved. I gave her a poke - still nothing. Then finally she sprang to life and wriggled out backwards looking at me like "Do you mind, hoomin? I was having a snooze!"

It's just horrible to think that one day it will happen for real :eek:
Aww, you poor thing. I am the same and totally understand why you panicked. Have a hug. Xx
How scary. I hate when something like this happens. You can just feel your heart sink.

Matthew has a horrible habbit of sleeping extremely deeply. It looks like he's dead and I get so scared. I put the veg in and hope his sense of smell will wake him and when that doesn't I freak out even more. Luckily once he hears Romano's munching or I try and poke him a few times or pull the pigloo off him he wakes up but he's such a heavy sleeper he's frightened me so often.
I know the feeling, Lola once went under a draw in the pig room, and I thought that was exposed to under the whole bed(luckily it wasn't)
I nearly had a heart attack, and was crying with joy when the little devil crawled out for a bit of coriander.

I know this feeling all too well! Poor you! He should of let you know it was lay in day!
Hugs for your shock this morning!
Awww, that's awful! Naughty little pig.
Feeewww glad he's ok (wipe the forehead). I can imagine how panicked you must of been....did you want a word with him for fighting his mum. He must of been really tired not of heard you.
Feeewww glad he's ok (wipe the forehead). I can imagine how panicked you must of been....did you want a word with him for fighting his mum. He must of been really tired not of heard you.

I have never known them not to be out and running around for breakfast - they have been told that if they are not visible first thing then they wont be getting any breakfast at all!
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