Thanks t0 every0ne

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Apr 21, 2007
Reaction score
Cramlington, Northumberland
just t0 say thanks t0 every0ne f0r thier supp0rt recently, it really has been much appreciated (if u havnt read my 0ther p0sts my 0 key is br0ken ;D )

L0ve u all,


Cat x 0:)
Hmm not to moan, but i thought text type language wasn't allowed on here? ::)
kat said:
Hmm not to moan, but i thought text type language wasn't allowed on here? ::)
Do you mean 1337 (Leet) Computer language, like l-l3l_l_0 (Hello)?
I was talking about this 'f0r thier supp0rt '
maybe i am wrong, just something i noticed. :D
:o I was w0ndering why you used 0 and n0t o. ;D ;D Had a really good laugh about it though, O0 hope your o gets better soon!
She only doing it Kat because her o letter is broken - if mine was broken I'd use my 0 O0

I agree with you this forum is so supportive and we are always ready to listen (read?).
kat said:
Hmm not to moan, but i thought text type language wasn't allowed on here? ::)

yer, but her o key is broken :)

i don't think i helped you but if you ever do need help, me and the other members are here for you :)
o0o0oo0h Please Kat how petty can YOU be about SUCH a little thing.At least she has the sense to use the 0 and its NOT that bad!You can still read the words!
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