thank you

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May 2, 2010
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thanks everyone for all your kind messages for maggie and stanley, you have all helped so much,it helps knowing people understand

i am upset but thanks to everyone here and my other piggies I'm ok

i love this forum it is a great support xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoxo
I am sorry you had such a tough time Ema. I have to ditto that message, having lost both Nooshi and Frankie in six days, the support I have had from my friends here has been outstanding.

It's been a devastating week for so, so many people. You are definitely amongst the best bunch of people, we all totally understand and I can speak for many when I say my heart goes out to you. xx
we are all brought together by the love we feel for our little friends and we all understand how devaststing loss's are, there are many people that have never met each other and some that never will meet other members but when times are hard we are all here for each other, and we all understand exactly how you feel x
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