Thank you (and more advice please!)

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New Owner

Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
worcester, england
Firstly I wanted to thank those that responded to me when I was stressed out about my 2 new boars who were 'arguing'.
I took advice given and the 2 of them (although they still have their moments) seem to have found a happy ground. The one is still more dominant and I keep an eye that it doesn't get into bullying...but both are eating well etc..

However, I have a ferplast 120 indoor cage and I put them into a largish run in my dinning room everyday to get some exercise and change of scenary. However, after a short time they start chewing at the bars and staring up at their cage. They are still wary with being handled however, when I go to put them back into their cage they both run to me and stand still to be picked up.

Its almost as if they are happier in their cage than the large run (which I make sure have lots of hiding places, food etc...).

I've had them for about 4 weeks now and we handle them abit everyday (but short times at present to get them used to us)

Any thoughts?
Blimey! your doing well - mine only run up to me when there is food- otherwise they run away lol -
It wouldn't surprise me if they do feel happier in their cage. It's probably because they feel safer there and they're more used to their cage. I'm sure with time they will become more happy about being in te run and won't be so eager to go back home. :))
I've heard that floor time becomes pointless for some piggies. Take mine for example, they have a lot of room in their cage anyway as they free roam in a 6ft by 4ft shed, but if I put them in a run the will just sit there completely still. I have had my girls for a year, and there is six of them. If your boars prefer their cage, then perhaps just get them a bigger cage aslong as you get them out for lap time every day they shouldn't need to be put in a pen. They can exercise in their own time then to. The more space the better.
Give them time to get used to their new place. Any new territory is potentially hostile and takes a few days to get used to; you also may see a return of some dominance behaviour as they reaffirm their hierarchy. Scatter little veg and herb treats around to encourage exploring and if necessary, cover some parts of the new cage with a beach towel to make them feel safer initially.

Pick up can take time to train; some piggies will never come to like it, even though they are quite happy when being cuddled. It cuts very close to the still present prey animal instincts.
Thank you all again for your thoughts.

I usually put grass in the run and hide it in different areas - but once they have found it all they just seem to want is to get back to their cage. I'll give it longer to see if they settle but if not, I think I'll try and take the advice of a bigger cage.
I feel also that the dominance isn't over yet but we are enjoying the peace at present.
I must say they have taken over our life and house and we love them to bits...they are both such characters!
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