Thank you so much for that info! My vet is a prominent small animal specialist and I'd never doubt her ability, however, every time I have mentioned the possibility of UTIs in the past I've never gotten a straight answer about the testing process, she always jumps towards x rays.
Do you know how a vet does go about checking for UTIs other than dipsticks? I'm at a loss trying to look this stuff up online.
I can't thank you enough, I'm shaking as I type ❤ x
They have testing equipment at the back to test for blood, protein content (indicates infection) and crystrals/sludge content in the urine, which they can spin out. An x-ray is indicated with any suspicion of a bladder stone/sludge somewhere in the urinary tract.
UTI and bacterial cystitis will react to a course of antibiotics but sterile interstitial cystitis (i.e. a non-bacterial recurring bladder infection) won't.
The latter can only be managed but not healed until it very eventually goes away on its own, rather in a matter of years. Sterile IC has unfortunately become a lot more common over the last decade but it is not much known outside piggy savvy vet circles that see guinea pigs on a regular basis. It is usually only diagnosed by default after antibiotics have not been effective and symptoms have persisted or returned very quickly and after stones or sludge in the urinary tract has been excluded.
The one good thing is that sterile IC is usually not fatal, does not cut short the life span and does not cause bladder stones but it is also no fun for the piggy. I currently have one of them again, but my Nerys (the big teddy in my picture had it for three years, then was free of any bladder issues for another three years and lived to 8 years of age).
As you have a known bladder stone pig, checking for a new one is the first thing your vet will do while they will otherwise normally treat with an antibotic first and for stones second.
I hope that that makes sense to you? You are only just at the very start of it, so please don't panic. My money is on a UTI or a sterile IC but not on another stone. Not nice, but not a tragedy, either.