Terribly Infuriating (but Hey, Pigtures!)

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 19, 2016
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I am at the end of my rope. Not pertaining to how much work I do for my sisters guinea pigs (which i honestly dont mind, theyre wonderful little guys), but I get extremely little help and even appreciation for how much I help them,,,

My sister shows little interest in improving their living situation (ie expanding their cage) and the same goes with my parents. I am hardly a teenager,and my sister is much closer to my age than I make her out to be. I cannot help but find her actions (or lack thereof) irresponsible. :hb:
The cage and carpet around it are a constant mess and my sister insists we only need to clean it once a month. Outrageous to me, especially taking the size of the pet store cage into consideration. The amount of hay that falls onto the carpet is enough to feed a horse!

My family is uninterested in including the pigs in any Christmas celebration. I've had to work my bum off to be able to afford two cuddle cups, and I've sacrificed many hours on researching how to make a c&c (which may be especially difficult for me later on; i've not a crafty bone in my body). I'm just tired of the PEOPLE, not the pigs. My sister didn't even know someone had to clip their nails monthly, and of course that responsibility has fallen to me (although both Gizmo and Tim are relatively calm and it's not a terribly stressful ritual).

I'm very sorry if I sound mean. I am just praying for a way to make them see the pigs deserve better.

On a happier note, Gizmo sat in my lap today rather peacefully. :D
I understand how people can be frustrating at times, but you are doing wonderful things for those two little piggies. Would your sister just not let you have them, then you can do what you want with them?
Agggg how frustrating.

If only she would let you have them as Flutterby suggested. A really nice Christmas present for you. Could you talk to your mum and sister about that possability?

Would a cardboard wall inside the cage be a possabilty until you get the c and c cage?
*hugs* You poor thing! Don't worry, you're not mean at all- it's your family that sound like a problem. Maybe you need to sit down with them and just explain that things are not right. Show them pictures of a good piggy home, get them to read articles- show them the pleas: Guinea Lynx :: A Guinea Pig's 12 Pleas For Owners
If I were in your position, I would make a stand (once I'd finished yelling). Because those animals have rights. I'd tell them that they're neglecting the pigs, and that they are going to belong to me until the family see that they need better care. Anyway, just hang in there:hug:you're doing great things!
thank you everyone for your kindness and suggestions <3

Unfortunately, I dont think asking for the pigs to be fully transferred to my care and ownership is a possibility right now. My sister does enjoy them and believes she is doing what she needs to in order to keep them happy and healthy, but she refuses to admit she did little to no research on the pigs beforehand. My parents do want them healthy, but still believe they can be "starter pets" and that they require little care. That, I've learned over the past few months, is not the case. To say the least.
And thank you for the very helpful article @TheCavySlave ! I may just make a powerpoint presentation of sorts containing the information ;)
I know someone who hasn't really got a clue on how to look after their pet either! Theirs is a rabbit though. She didn't even know bunnies had claws!
I know someone who hasn't really got a clue on how to look after their pet either! Theirs is a rabbit though. She didn't even know bunnies had claws!

Oh, jeezums. I was actually considered getting a rabbit, but after a spot of research I eventually found out that they too need other companion bunnies for optimal health :)
Oh gosh lol, rabbits are ANYTHING but 'starter' pets. Their more like a cat/dog combination. I have five and you can NOT keep them in cages. It makes me so sad when I see a rabbit in a cage! They are simply house pets, or garden pets. Some breeds of rabbit grow to be about 20lbs. If you want a 'starter' pet, get a betta fish or a hamster. (Which are both great animals!) Sorry for the off topic rant!

Anyway, you sound like a great owner and I hope things get better! I'm sure the piggies are grateful. Hugs!
Starter pets? My boys have a massive cage taking up most of a room, we spend a lot to ensure they get the best hay and pellets possible, we sweep the cage several times a day and wash the fleece regularly as well as making them a salad every day. I hate when people call them starter pets!
You can't keep them in a tiny cage in a corner with some hay and cheap pellets, and add some bedding every so often, why don't people understand that? How old is your sister, may I ask? I wish she could see that she doesn't know how to care for guinea pigs, and needs to learn.
Tell her a guinea pig needs to be able to run around, popcorn, stand up high, and jump, with plenty of space.
Starter pets? My boys have a massive cage taking up most of a room, we spend a lot to ensure they get the best hay and pellets possible, we sweep the cage several times a day and wash the fleece regularly as well as making them a salad every day. I hate when people call them starter pets!
You can't keep them in a tiny cage in a corner with some hay and cheap pellets, and add some bedding every so often, why don't people understand that? How old is your sister, may I ask? I wish she could see that she doesn't know how to care for guinea pigs, and needs to learn.
Tell her a guinea pig needs to be able to run around, popcorn, stand up high, and jump, with plenty of space.

hm! You're right on all points mon amie ;) they are certainly not starter pets.

My sister is twelve, plenty old enough to do a quick search on the internet in order to see that what she is providing is not as adequate as it could be.
The boys do all right though. They have all the necessities (decent pellets, relatively fresh green timothy hay, paper bedding, etc). However, I'm the one who goes shopping for most of that stuff now, out of my own pocket most of the time. They also need a bigger cage, and to have it cleaned more often. :P It's frustrating for sure, but she thinks they're fine as they are.

But ugh. She never does her workload. I've asked her to just "fill the dang water bottle" and she complained even then! >:
Sorry to hear you're going through this. I can tell you're an animal lover! It's a shame your parents haven't intervened, until someone hits 16 years old their parents should be responsible for the animals.

When I was young and had piggies my mum did what we didn't do, she didn't want the piggies to go without or be neglected. Just like yourself.

You should get your family to look on here, gotta take responsibility and take great care when you're dealing with another life. Especially when they rely so heavily on human help like our pets do.

Good luck! :)
Yes, Cavy King-Fu took the words out of my...fingers?
If you can get your sister to join, she can maybe see the articles and threads.
I also agree that we have such control over a creature's whole life and experience, why not make it the best it can be?
Do you two get on? You could maybe say "check this out" and show her a big cage. Find an online quiz about piggy care and ask if she'd like to take it, for fun. We won't give up on you!
Yes, Cavy King-Fu took the words out of my...fingers?
If you can get your sister to join, she can maybe see the articles and threads.
I also agree that we have such control over a creature's whole life and experience, why not make it the best it can be?
Do you two get on? You could maybe say "check this out" and show her a big cage. Find an online quiz about piggy care and ask if she'd like to take it, for fun. We won't give up on you!

To be frank, we don't get along well. We tolerate each other, mostly. We're usually on okay speaking terms but sometimes it's... chaotic.

No matter, I'll keep trying!
To be frank, we don't get along well. We tolerate each other, mostly. We're usually on okay speaking terms but sometimes it's... chaotic.

No matter, I'll keep trying!

I also have a sister, I understand your relationship lol. See if you can get your parents to have a look on the forum, housing guides, importance of piggy friends etc. Really it's them that you need to get on board. Hope it all works out :)
Bless your heart for helping take care of them. It's hard to deal with that, because you care so much about them and people aren't as pet-savvy as we are. Hopefully your parents can take a look at the forum & see what it's all about. :D
Bless your heart for helping take care of them. It's hard to deal with that, because you care so much about them and people aren't as pet-savvy as we are. Hopefully your parents can take a look at the forum & see what it's all about. :D

Aw, thank you! I've tried showing them before but their interest is usually half-hearted... i always seem to catch them at "busy" hours. :/
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