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Terramycin concerns?


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 3, 2022
Reaction score
Hello, one of my pigs unfortunately got a hay poke or defensive wound from the other pig in her eye. The vet prescribed Terramycin and I just want to know others experience with it?

I've already got the terramycin and luckily, by the time I got prescribed to use it, my pigs eye seems to be getting better on its own, but obviously I will monitor it and use Terramycin when needed.

For others that used it, was there any complications?
Hello, one of my pigs unfortunately got a hay poke or defensive wound from the other pig in her eye. The vet prescribed Terramycin and I just want to know others experience with it?

I've already got the terramycin and luckily, by the time I got prescribed to use it, my pigs eye seems to be getting better on its own, but obviously I will monitor it and use Terramycin when needed.

For others that used it, was there any complications?

Eye treatment is basically the same for all pets as the organ is the same - it's the one area where it is more important to be seen promptly than to be seen by an exotic. Any decent general vet will do.

The antibiotic ointment/gel/drops is applied to the outside of the body (i.e. topically) and is not going through the digestive system (i.e. systemic), which is the crucial difference.

It is however important that you apply it and ensure that the injury heals off properly. Complications usually do not arise from the prescribed medication but either from the severity of an injury or from lack of treatment.
So as long as it is not ingested it won't be toxic?
Eye treatment is basically the same for all pets as the organ is the same - it's the one area where it is more important to be seen promptly than to be seen by an exotic. Any decent general vet will do.

The antibiotic ointment/gel/drops is applied to the outside of the body (i.e. topically) and is not going through the digestive system (i.e. systemic), which is the crucial difference.

It is however important that you apply it and ensure that the injury heals off properly. Complications usually do not arise from the prescribed medication but either from the severity of an injury or from lack of treatment.
*Meant to reply. So as long as it's not ingested it's not toxic?
*Meant to reply. So as long as it's not ingested it's not toxic?

Terramycin is in the same group as doxycycline (tetracycline based antibiotics), which is a safe oral antibiotic for guinea pigs.