Junior Guinea Pig
So I may be overparanoid but our Len seems to have developed and issue very quickly tonight. Floor time and floor time treats all good and popped him back in the cage and fed them both their usual salads. Len is usually a right greedy gobbler but noticed he had missed a few bits when we checked on him later. Fed a few of his favourite nuggets and he was doing some weird things with his mouth like he couldn't quite chew it or get it down. I've had other pigs who have got bits stuck or scratches so thought he would be fine. Tried a few more and he ate ok but just slower than usual. Just checked again and he's curled up asleep and has left half his nuggets. Something he NEVER does. Don't really know what to do so late but will check on him in the morning and if he's not eating, get him straight to the vets but just wondering if it's worth checking his mouth/teeth now and how best to do this with wriggly pigs who aren't used to being handled?