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Tender Stomach

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New Born Pup
May 19, 2016
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My Guinea Pig has been acting a little different.. He has been eating, sleeping, and resting normally, but whimpers when you touch his underbelly. It seems like his skin might be sensitive or something else is up..? He is a 6 month old male.
Is he bloated? Is it more firm to the touch or maybe a cut in it or something? If it's painful make sure he's eating and pooing ok as he may have a blockage which is an emergency, so is bloat. You may want to get to the vet ASAP
Agree only a vet can say for certain what it is - but definitely needs a vet visit for pain relief - and as soon as you can because if it is bloat that can kill in a short time.
His stomach doesn't feel any different and he's pooping normally. He is dragging his stomach on the ground when he walks which is new. We've only had them for about a month so we're learning a lot about their behavior and not sure if this is normal or not!
It certainly doesn't sound like normal behavior.
Did you get him from a pet shop, and if so are you sure he is a boy, and not a pregnant sow? :yikes:
Sadly it sounds like this is not an unusual occurrence.
I would try to get him/her to a vet as soon as possible to check what is going on.
I agree that it is best to get him checked if he is sensitive. There could even be a change in the way he is walking if he is dragging his tummy on the ground.
If there is pain when you touch it certainly get to a vet, Guinea pigs are prey animals and will hide signs of sickness so the fact that you can hear sounds of pain is very concerning
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