Temporary guinea pig separation


New Born Pup
Mar 14, 2021
Reaction score
Richmond, va
I have two piggies. One is mine and my husbands, one is my roommates. Both pigs share a pen and are very close. My guinea has become an emotional support animal for me. She recognizes and help me through my migraines and seizures, she helps my anxiety and depression. She’s been a blessing. For years I have worked at a summer camp, but because of covid this will be my first summer back at camp since I have gotten her.

My question is: do I separate the two babies for 8 weeks for the betterment of my health?
Or would it be more damaging for my guineas to be separated for those 8 weeks?

If you think it’s ok to separate them, how do I reintroduce them after the 8 weeks?!

thank you for any and all advice.
It’s best to leave them together. I know you say she’s your support but they need companionship of their own kind. It wouldn’t be fair to separate them, even for 8 weeks.
I like Lady Kelly's idea, but is the place they are going to be kept air conditioned? I know some camps do not have air conditioning and it gets very hot outside. If it isn't cooled, I wouldn't bring the piggies as they can't handle the heat.
Thank for your responses! Yes, the space is air conditioned (and heated). I would never bring them to a place that wasnt temperature controlled. Unfortunately, bringing the second piggie is not an option and my roommates children are on the spectrum and they rely on their guinea as an emotional support as well.
My instinct is, obviously, to leave Genevieve with Beans to ensure the children have the support they need. But i do have needs as well and i know that my baby will not get much attention while I'm gone. Will she remember me if i leave her?
She will have her companion which is exactly what she needs. I’m afraid comparing your attention to that of another piggy is not useful. Her interaction with you can only go so far.

I know you have needs as well but you need to consider her needs first and leave her with her friend. It’s not really a good idea to separate them in any case.

Perhaps you could ask the roommate to send you photos and videos while you’re away