Temporarily In A Smaller Cage For The Holidays?


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 20, 2017
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United States - East Coast
So it's looking like we might have to bring our pigs with us over Christmas to our parents' house. I'm looking into what looks to be the only boarding place near town to house them but I'm unfamiliar with the organization and want to be prepared in case I really do need to bring them with us.

My two 11 month old boys live in an extra large Living Worlds cage. Unfortunately this is way too big to bring, and the only smaller cage I have is 17x32 inches. It's the cage the pet store in town gave me before I got my boys a properly sized cage.

I'm worried about my boys being in this cage for potentially 3-4 days.

- Could being in this smaller cage, in an unfamiliar home with unfamiliar scents cause them to fight? They've been a bit hormonal lately but it hasn't been more than an ear nip here and there. No fights or blood. There would be times where no one would be at the house to monitor them as we go out on Christmas.

- The car ride is about two hours. They would each be in a separate carrier and held on my fiancé's lap while I drive. Is this too long for pigs in the car?

Ganon, Dibbler, and I say thanks in advance

I read the sticky here for traveling. It's very informative but I couldn't find answers to these questions.
If you don't like the cage they are going to be put in & it sounds as if it's far to small. It would be okay if they would give them free run all day. When in doubt don't. If you can't find any where else could they board with the vet.
Regarding transportation I have never taken mine very far.
If you don't like the cage they are going to be put in & it sounds as if it's far to small. It would be okay if they would give them free run all day. When in doubt don't. If you can't find any where else could they board with the vet.
Regarding transportation I have never taken mine very far.

If I board at the vet would I need to provide a cage? The reason I'm concerned is because their regular cage isn't portable.
Another thought I had!

I also have this playpen for them. Small Animal Playpen Mat for 8 Panel Playpen - FerretDepot

It's a 43 inch diameter. If only for a few days would this be okay to use as their "cage?" I might MIGHT be able to connect it to the smaller cage. Is this a safe alternative?

This is an excellent alternative.
When we needed to take our piggies with us at the last minute we literally packed some C&C grids, and set them up with a shower curtain on the floor to protect it, and then a layer of puppy pads covered with a fleece blanket.
They were quite happy to be in this temporary play pen set up (with houses, food hay, etc.) for a few days.
Attaching a play pen to your small cage would be a good solution for them, as long as there aren't any cats or dogs in the house.
As far as travel goes I think a few hours in the car wouldn't be a problem.
Make sure you have a bag with a few fresh veg in and lots of hay in their carriers and they will be fine.
Various members on here regularly undertake journeys in excess of 4+ hours with their piggies, and have never had any problems.
Travel wise my boys survived a trip from Rochdale to Haywards Heath in a car, and Haywards Heath to Wigan on the train (via London). Their only complaint would likely be that they were subjected to a Queen's Greatest Hits karaoke session in the car. :whistle:

Also the run attached to the cage sounds like an excellent idea for a few days.