

New Born Pup
Mar 27, 2024
Reaction score
Batavia Ohio
Quick question! It's about to get really cold here because of a snow storm and the heating in the house isn't the best upstairs. so I got a heater to put in the pig room. Ideally what temperature should their room be? I'm putting plastic on the windows to keep any draft out since the girls cage is by the windows. (They also all have hides, beds, blankets, and a BIG pile of hay to keep warm with)
Their comfortable range is very similar to ours - around 18-22/23 degrees.
Generally, if you go by how warm/cold/just right you feel then you aren’t far off for how they are feeling
I was going to create a thread to ask the exact same question! The temperature in the room went down to 12.1c last night which is really concerning. I'll have to keep the heating on (with all that entails) at night, will buy a heatpack from the pet shop as soon as possible too.
We’re keeping the heating on permanently but as my piggies live on the top floor it’s cooler than the rest of the house.
I have pegged old towels around the cage, ensured they have plenty of fleecy tunnels to hide in and I’ve doubled the amount of hay in their cage.
So far this seems to be keeping them warm enough