Temperament Changed Don't Know Why?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 3, 2016
Reaction score
Cheshire uk
My two girls... one very timid... other bit better . Tilly has always been the boss. She likes strokes n is a little fattie. ..eats everything compared to flossy who is a skinny little thing who hides all the time. Two days ago I took flossy out... quick trim which she hates then back in... went to pick up tilly for her quick check n she hid.. as normal but then popped her head out n as my hand came to stroke her nose she really chattered n shook at me... looked very annoyed n don't u dare come near me. I had to leave her... since then she has been very darting off and jumpy ... not popcorning when my hand goes in the cage. She let's me stroke her face ears n nose again n calms down but it has made me wary now of picking her up . I used to be a little scared of her at first as she bit me once when I first got them as babies back in may .. I just don't understand why she's suddenly like this on being picked up. Neither has ever liked it but she was more of a cuddler than flossy who hates most contact. Nothing as I can see has changed? She won't go in a cosy to help and I don't want to get my mind set back to the days when I had to pluck up the courage to get them out .
My two girls... one very timid... other bit better . Tilly has always been the boss. She likes strokes n is a little fattie. ..eats everything compared to flossy who is a skinny little thing who hides all the time. Two days ago I took flossy out... quick trim which she hates then back in... went to pick up tilly for her quick check n she hid.. as normal but then popped her head out n as my hand came to stroke her nose she really chattered n shook at me... looked very annoyed n don't you dare come near me. I had to leave her... since then she has been very darting off and jumpy ... not popcorning when my hand goes in the cage. She let's me stroke her face ears n nose again n calms down but it has made me wary now of picking her up . I used to be a little scared of her at first as she bit me once when I first got them as babies back in may .. I just don't understand why she's suddenly like this on being picked up. Neither has ever liked it but she was more of a cuddler than flossy who hates most contact. Nothing as I can see has changed? She won't go in a cosy to help and I don't want to get my mind set back to the days when I had to pluck up the courage to get them out .


You may find These links here helpul. Has something happened in the last days that could have spooked her? How old are they?
" Biting" And What You Can Do
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
Sow Behaviour

You may find These links here helpul. Has something happened in the last days that could have spooked her? How old are they?
" Biting" And What You Can Do
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
Sow Behaviour
Yes I have read these links a few times and found them very helpful especially in the early months. Nothing at all. They are in a room only I go in and we have no pets. I took flossy into another room to give her a trim which is the norm but she didn't scream or make any noise that would have warned or spooked tilly. They both hate being picked up but tilly is the runner. She will dart where she can so normally she gets picked up when I can get her quick while in the cosy or house. Once she's up she's OK. I don't know if she was having a grumpy day n wanted me to stay away... but it's worried me a little. I don't want to end up not wanting to pick her up. It sets you back as you think they don't like you and you have done something wrong. But she's the dominant one so I know nothing has happened either with me or her sister. Very confused. Just keep going to stroke her now... but won't pick her up
Yes I have read these links a few times and found them very helpful especially in the early months. Nothing at all. They are in a room only I go in and we have no pets. I took flossy into another room to give her a trim which is the norm but she didn't scream or make any noise that would have warned or spooked tilly. They both hate being picked up but tilly is the runner. She will dart where she can so normally she gets picked up when I can get her quick while in the cosy or house. Once she's up she's OK. I don't know if she was having a grumpy day n wanted me to stay away... but it's worried me a little. I don't want to end up not wanting to pick her up. It sets you back as you think they don't like you and you have done something wrong. But she's the dominant one so I know nothing has happened either with me or her sister. Very confused. Just keep going to stroke her now... but won't pick her up

How old are they now?
They were born in march so 9 mths old.

In that case, it can be due to teenage hormones. Sows can have them, too, but as they are generally not leading to fights, they are not so well known. She is in any case too Young for ovarian cysts.
What am I best doing... keep picing her up anyway... maybe via a cosy n food for a bit of leave that and just keep stroking n talking to her to keep her calm? Donr want them to get Un used to me handling them as that's the opposite of what I've been trying to aim for over the last 6mths. I know all guinea pigs are very different and my flossy will never be happy out of her cage or hutch... being picked up or stroked but tilly was the outgoing one that liked company n squeaks for attention.
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