
Please do NOT attempt to cut your guinea pigs teeth at home. It isn’t safe and could cause more harm than good. If you suspect your guinea pig has a dental problem, please see a vet. Is your guinea pig showing signs of having a dental problem? x
He is clicking his teeth . He is also refusing to chin rubs. And sometimes he is lifting his mouth up and showing teeth I don't know why . He never ate grass . I took him to vet but he doesn't cut teeth sadly
He neither eats hay nor grass. He just eats water spinach . I tried giving him pellets. He doesn't eat them too. He never looses or gains weight . He is like how he used to be . He had a cold . And I tried every possible treatment but seems like the cold isn't going away sadly.
As above, do not cut his teeth yourself - you could seriously harm him if you attempt it.

As I have said before, without a proper diet he is not going to gain weight - a diet purely of water spinach (a member of the morning glory family) will not provide sufficient nutrition and I know that he is very small for his age.

Without eating hay and grass his teeth will overgrow as there is nothing to wear them down.
If he has overgrown teeth then he will not be able to eat. If you don’t have a vet who can do annything about his teeth then I’m so sorry to say that things will get worse for him.

Guinea pigs don’t get colds. They get bacterial respiratory infections. If it isn’t getting better then he may need a different antibiotic or a longer course.

I know you are in a difficult situation without a knowledgeable vet. I’m so sorry as there is not much we can suggest.
I'd take him back to the vet. As @Piggies&buns has said they don't get colds. He may have a respiratory infection and could need antibiotics.
Have you tried giving him fresh, quality hay in a few varieties, and grass recently? He really can't live on spinach and water at all.
You can mush his nuggets up with some warm water and offer them to him in a dish to see if he will eat them that way.
If he is struggling to breathe this can often put guinea pigs off eating - they can only do one or the other at a time, and breathing always takes precedence over eating.
I understand your vet may not be piggy savvy - you may have to ask for the antibiotics, and perhaps a medicine called meloxicam. This is a pain killer which also had anti inflammatory properties in case of any inflammation.
Best of luck, it must be hard when you don't have a piggy savvy vet nearby 😔
I hope piggy is feeling better soon! There are lots of piggy safe foods you can try to add variety into his diet and encourage him to eat.

Piggy safe foods

Hay guide
If he is not losing weight then he most probably does not have anything wrong with his teeth. He does need to gnaw on hay, grass or some kind of safe fibre rich vegetation though to keep him healthy. Can you buy or find fruit tree bark (apple/pear) as I know some counties it is difficult to find good hay. Hay should make up at least 75% of his diet so do seek it out

Never attempt to cut GP’s teeth, it’s very dangerous and will cause more harm than good
Hay makes up 80% of their diet, and helps to grind their teeth which grow continuously. I was told spinach is high in calcium, which is unhealthy for piggies. They have to have hay all the time without interruption.

My three boys eat their Oxbow hay all day, every day. When they are not eating romaine lettuce or other veggies, they are eating hay.
This piggy is not eating spinach - he is eating water spinach which is a tropical plant and is not botanically related to the spinach we know. It is a plant related to morning glory.