Teeth Grinding.

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2015
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My piggie Connie is very nervous being held and i have noticed that when I lift her up she tenses her head, pulls back and grits her teeth together. What does this mean?
She is not teeth chattering. She only grits them together once then relaxes and if I don't put her down she will do it again. Her teeth are not overgrown!
:D Teeth grinding is in fact a sign of aggression. Two piggies who have had a disagreement or do not like each other will rind their teeth at each other. Are you sure she is actually grinding her teeth, or maybe she is just chewing on something? How long have you had her? Regular gentle handling in a quiet atmosphere will calm her down, and she will eventually get used to being handled. :tu:
:D Teeth grinding is in fact a sign of aggression. Two piggies who have had a disagreement or do not like each other will rind their teeth at each other. Are you sure she is actually grinding her teeth, or maybe she is just chewing on something? How long have you had her? Regular gentle handling in a quiet atmosphere will calm her down, and she will eventually get used to being handled. :tu:

I've had her for under 6 months. Beforehand she was not handled very much for the first year of her life She is just quite nervous and uncomfy being picked up. When i take her out of the cage i always talk to her quietly and stroke her but shes proving very hard to get through to! She also splays out when picked up and kicks a lot making it very hard to support her properly.(which i always do it's just tricky) But she is getting better I just think it will be a slow process. I think it probably is aggression and she definitely isn't chewing anything as i can clearly see her bring her teeth together and scrape them over each other. She is the kind of pig who would suerly jump from your hands if you gave her the chance - a lot of gentle love and careful handling needed! Recently my brother has been picking her up and I have to be honest he doesn't support very well so i think until she is happier with me handling her i will ask him not to pick her up.
hi if you rull out enviromental isuse like terretory , an it carries on , give him a gentle once over
for any obviose things that may be causeig discomfort and if nothing is found l would take you vet to do a full m o t on him ,
a pig savy vet would be ideal , but if your vet is not pig savvy , that should,t pose to much of a problem
as things that cause this type of problem , would be the same for other animal,
just make sure he looks at the teeth, nails , pads of feet as a prioraty, perhaps you havr a

just a thought , many years ago i had a pig thet stood on a sleepy wasp (i kid you not )
that caused this type of ptoblem :cen:

do you know any stalwart pig keepers that live by you , that could help with this ,
l know there used to be a copple of savy keepers in Glasgow , though i am not sure
if they are active on this foram ,
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:D You are doing all the right things, so just keep it up. She will come around eventually. It may take a long time - it's been 6 months already! - but it will happen. Though there are some pigs who just NEVER like being handled.
hi if you rull out enviromental isuse like terretory , an it carries on , give him a gentle once over
for any obviose things that may be causeig discomfort and if nothing is found l would take you vet to do a full m o t on him ,
a pig savy vet would be ideal , but if your vet is not pig savvy , that should,t pose to much of a problem
as things that cause this type of problem , would be the same for other animal,
just make sure he looks at the teeth, nails , pads of feet as a prioraty, perhaps you havr a

just a thought , many years ago i had a pig thet stood on a sleepy wasp (i kid you not )
that caused this type of ptoblem :cen:

do you know any stalwart pig keepers that live by you

What's a stalwart pig keeper? And what's a sleepy wasp?
I don't think its a health issue she has full health checks almost every day and has never had any issues with teeth feet or nails.
:D You are doing all the right things, so just keep it up. She will come around eventually. It may take a long time - it's been 6 months already! - but it will happen. Though there are some pigs who just NEVER like being handled.
Thanks! my first piggie Holly was the same way but not as severe. She has come round very well, still nervous but much more friendly and confident. I've had her for 4 years now old girly!
a stalwart keepper

Stalwart is a name given to a person who has been doing somthing for a long time and is experaced

a sleepy wasp
a wasp is simular in apperance to a Bee,
when a Bee , only has the caperbilerty to sting once it leves its sting behind to maxamize the efect of the sting

though sadly it dies shortly after the event , that is probebaly the worse type of sting , though it only stings when absolutly nessesary

a wasp on the other hand retaines is sting , makink it less inclind to be to much of a problem to the recipiant

a wa
a stalwart keepper

Stalwart is a name given to a person who has been doing somthing for a long time and is experaced

a sleepy wasp
a wasp is simular in apperance to a Bee,
when a Bee , only has the caperbilerty to sting once it leves its sting behind to maxamize the efect of the sting

though sadly it dies shortly after the event , that is probebaly the worse type of sting , though it only stings when absolutly nessesary

a wasp on the other hand retaines is sting , makink it less inclind to be to much of a problem to the recipiant

a wa

The vet I go to isn't a known piggy savy but have plenty of experience with piggies and i have been happy with the treatment we got whenever we have been before. However I don't think Connie will need the vet as it is probably just an issue with handling and getting used to being picked up. Thanks for your help it was much appreciated and i now know what a sleepy wasp is! :tu:
totaly off toppic , but the bee is among one of the wonders that scicene canot undestand
acording to all the all the statistics , a Honey Bee , sholud not be able to fly,

i find insects soooo fascernating
:D I think you mean a Bumble bee should not be able to fly. They are so un-aerodynamic! But beautiful. :nod:
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