Teeth grinding is in fact a sign of aggression. Two piggies who have had a disagreement or do not like each other will rind their teeth at each other. Are you sure she is actually grinding her teeth, or maybe she is just chewing on something? How long have you had her? Regular gentle handling in a quiet atmosphere will calm her down, and she will eventually get used to being handled.
hi if you rull out enviromental isuse like terretory , an it carries on , give him a gentle once over
for any obviose things that may be causeig discomfort and if nothing is found l would take you vet to do a full m o t on him ,
a pig savy vet would be ideal , but if your vet is not pig savvy , that should,t pose to much of a problem
as things that cause this type of problem , would be the same for other animal,
just make sure he looks at the teeth, nails , pads of feet as a prioraty, perhaps you havr a
just a thought , many years ago i had a pig thet stood on a sleepy wasp (i kid you not )
that caused this type of ptoblem
do you know any stalwart pig keepers that live by you
Thanks! my first piggie Holly was the same way but not as severe. She has come round very well, still nervous but much more friendly and confident. I've had her for 4 years now old girly!You are doing all the right things, so just keep it up. She will come around eventually. It may take a long time - it's been 6 months already! - but it will happen. Though there are some pigs who just NEVER like being handled.
a stalwart keepper
Stalwart is a name given to a person who has been doing somthing for a long time and is experaced
a sleepy wasp
a wasp is simular in apperance to a Bee,
when a Bee , only has the caperbilerty to sting once it leves its sting behind to maxamize the efect of the sting
though sadly it dies shortly after the event , that is probebaly the worse type of sting , though it only stings when absolutly nessesary
a wasp on the other hand retaines is sting , makink it less inclind to be to much of a problem to the recipiant
a wa