Teeth grinding..weird

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 9, 2010
Reaction score

Cant figure it out as to why he would do it, Its random sometimes. He lets me feed and pick him up all the time.. But sometimes he just starts that.. Like today I put him back in his cage after having him out and he started grinding his teeth..

What other reason would he do that for?
It is a warning when it is mild chattering or with server chattering it is about to attack. If it is chattering its teeth at you try offering it a carrot or a treat and reestablish your relationship with it if it is at another piggy then keep them together unless it gets server and a attack is pending when they need to be separated they can start fighting for many reasons but mainly can be reintegrated back together.

It means they need a chew toy. They need to wear down their teeth. Get them one as soon as you possibly can.


Guinea pigs chatter with their teeth when they're aggravated or getting mad. It's a warning signal of a sort.

My Guinea Pig does this when he is nervous, sometimes I also think she wants to get my attention. Chew things are essential to Guinea Pigs having healthy teeth.

It is not from them getting mad or "warning" you unless you do something to HARM them. They will only use this as a warning when another guinea pig is being aggressive to them.
If the guinea pig is doing it "TO" you it is because he/she is nervous or scared when you are holding her or trying to pick them up. Just use calm words, and a treat of parsley or another veggie to reward them and put them at ease.


Some guinea pigs do it as a warning to another guinea pig but others sometimes just do it as a dislike to a sound or action.

Sometimes they are talking or even trying to attract another female


He is simply hungry i get it all the time from my little baby
you will often see them rubbing their teeth backwards and forwards. They are just grinding their teeth so they don't grow too long. that's why they might chew on wood and plastic sometimes. it completely normal.

Hope this is helpful8:)
Very helpful thanks.. What is a good chew toy though? I have some of those wood block but it seems he nevers plays with them or chews on them, I'm not sure what he would like?

its just weird though because he never ever did that before now hes starting and i guess I'm just not used to it..
my boys seemed to chew the plastic cage more than anything!

(and the odd bin bag-what is it with bin bags?)
hes under a year maybe 6 months...
i dont even know what bin bags are lol.. I jsut wanted to find something he will like to chew on.. So the alfalfa Bricks are good then??
I have a male currently and dont want a feamle because I do not want babies at this time and dont want another male with the possibility of fighting.. just wanted to deal with one for right now...
WAIT! that is complaining? I was told Vibrates (kinda like cat purrs) are good? When I pet him from head to back he sprawls out most of the time and vibrates as he would like it? And i though that is normal talking that is a good sign too? That doesnt seem like complaing to me? I'm confused now?
Quite a few people here have boar pairs and they don't fight, as long as they have plenty of space and two of things like food dishes, water bottles, hidey houses. Or you can get boars neutered so they can live with a sow and not breed.

Can you get a video on your camera so we can see exactly what he's doing?
I will try to work on that.. But i looked on here and saw videos and sound boards of the sounds and the sounds hes making are good... The purring and talking to me that is all good sounds...
I picked him up this morning and put him in my lap was petting him from head to back and he sprawled out looked very comfy and just purred away...
I also heard teeht chattering could also mean "feed Me" He seems to do it once I put him back in his cage, he sits and looks at me and does it, I bring food to him he comes up to my hand and eats it then stops... Kinda makes sense, Hes like telling me listen here boy, * best feed me lol...
Teeth chattering - it can be anything from mild frustration (where's the food) to anger/threat. The louder, the worse. If you feed him when he chatters his teeth, he will do it more often, even if he's not feeling frustrated!
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