Teeth chattering

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Guinea Fan

Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction score
I have never heard it before, and I have introduced lots of piggies as my original bonded pair she was older and sadly died, so I put a new girl in and despite a bit of sumo stomping and trying to mount her they were friends. Sadly she died of a uterine tumour so I took him speed dating and we bought Meggie home and they loved each other. He was older and he died so as Meg was lonely I bought a young girl in and they bonded brilliantly. Tragically I lost Meg 6 weeks ago, so bought another youngster in and Matilda was really bossy, very that's mine, oh and that's mine about everything, but they seem to have settled.

Now I have bought a neutered boar in, which was always my intention and the girls are really not happy with him. Matilda especially keeps facing him and they teeth chatter then he runs off. I have moved her straw house out as she was very possessive of that and I have two bowls, two water dishes and two bedrooms. Do I need to worry about the teeth chattering? They are been ok in the run all day, but obviously the hutch is a bit more enclosed.

Sorry for long post just setting the scene, so to speak
Did you introduce them on neutral ground? You cannot just put a guinea pig in another ones home or they will feel it is being invaded by a stranger. You have to introduce them slowly out of the cage and also have the cage totally clean so it is all new to them both.
Yes they have spent all day in the run together, and I did completely clean out the hutch and left it to air all day.
Some guinea pigs just wont get along. Where did you get him from? The best way to introduce guinea pigs is to let them choose their own friends through a rescue centre.
I got him through a rescue centre. I have always taken my pigs to choose their friends before, but this wasn't suggested and she only had one lone neutered boar. It is a very good rescue centre I hasten to add.
Teeth Chattering can happen in introductions - problems may arise if he doesn't run off I would keep a very close eye on them!
fingers crossed it's just abit of posturing and grumpyness ;) but keep an eye on them in case it does turn into proper fighting x
I have just nipped out to have a look and the girls had a bedroom each and he was on his own in the hutch bit. So I left them and the security light went off, then there was a bit of scurrying around and some teeth chattering, but waited then moved and the light came on and he has gone into a bedroom so he isn't alone outside so at least that is something.

Both the rescue lady and the home checker said not to be too quick to intervene, so hopefully during the dark hours they will be ok, I can't watch them all night.

They have another guest anyway, Montgomery wood mouse came to see me whilst I was waiting. That mouse has nerves of steel :)
Its amazing what a bunch of nice grass does for relations though

glad they are ok now :) lets hope it lasts. very cute piggies
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