teeth chattering

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Jul 4, 2008
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Bromsgrove (near birmingham)
Hi guys,

Just need some advice please.

My guinea pig Lincoln is a 9 month old male. He is my only piggy and is very spoilt. He trusts me and when i come in the room climbs up the side of the cage to come out and when he is left on the living room floor for a run around i lie down and he climbs all over me. He also chases me if i walk to get something. This makes me think he isn't scared of me. Sometimes though he will be playing with me then he will stop and lie down infront of me and start chattering his teeth. I try stroking him and he does it louder. If i say "whats that all about?" in a squecky ish voice he stops and starts popcorning around the room.

Why does he do this? He doesn't seem scared at all and i am not aggrovating him but i am scared his unhappy.

Any advice would be really helpful. thanks :)
Teeth chattering can be a sign of agression. He may not like something that is happening. It's nothing to worry about three of mine do it when I don't feed them quick enough. :)
Yes, he probably just thinks you're being too slow getting him something/ kissing him etc. Mine do this.
Yes, I agree, mine do this, I think it can be irritation like, "hurry up!" and like Louise's pigs, mine always do it whilist I'm faffing with their food!
Yes mine do that.......They're incredibly spoilt and if I don't give them their romaine lettuce in less than 10 seconds they start teeth chattering and swearing at me O0
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