Teeth chattering


Adult Guinea Pig
May 18, 2024
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
When I went to give Stripe his meds he started chattering his teeth. That started Chez chattering and they have both been doing it for five minutes.

They are chattering and making noises.

I'm really worried but I want to go to bed what should I do
They stopped after I left the room. Could he be mad at me for giving the meds? And Chez got worried?
Could be either 🤔
Mine have taken to doing it to beg for a treat 🙄
They were both all puffed up, chattering and making noises but it wasn't at each other! I think it was at me!

I gave them some basil and they are it then continued the chattering.

It all stopped when I finally left the room.
I have managed to "train" Master Boris to give us a kiss (lick) instead but Sir George is not so much of a licker so teeth chattering it is 🙄🤣
They were both all puffed up, chattering and making noises but it wasn't at each other! I think it was at me!

I gave them some basil and they are it then continued the chattering.

It all stopped when I finally left the room.
The slave training continues ....

Stripe and Chez should refer to Miss Bramble @Betsy if they need any more help in ensuring that their slave is compliant and obedient to their every whim :D
I just hope it doesn't happen every med time. We've got eight days left! Never seen Stripe mad before and he reeled Chez in against me.

Gotta do a cage cleaning and meds in ten minutes we'll see how his highness does.
No teeth chattering this med time! Just a squeak of either pain/fear.

Gonna go give them a pepper slice for being so good and bring a couple fresh toys Stripe likes. Maybe he'll feel up to chewing a little.