Teeth chattering


New Born Pup
Jun 6, 2020
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When I was bonding my two boars they were both teeth chattering. Is this something I should be worried about?
Teeth chattering is a sign they are unsettled. So is normal dominant behaviour when bonding xx
They were also squeaking and sort of chasing each other. Should I separate them when they teeth chatter? I have gotten mixed messages from different websites.
Were they both chasing or one was chasing and the other squeaking? Please read the threads I linked to above. How old are they?
They are father and son. (Please note the pregnancy was an accident I am not pro breeding) The son was chasing and the father was defending his territory. The father was always victorious in defending his territory but the son would not give up. They were both squeaking.
What do you mean by defending his territory? Was the chasing continuous? Did either of them try and hump the other?

Being related doesn’t mean they will get on unfortunately. How old are they? I’m assuming baby is a month or so as it sounds like he’s a result of the pregnant sow. and how big is the cage? And did you introduce them on neutral ground or put baby into dad’s cage?
It's normal in first introse just watch as it is dominance and can go either way. If lunging and further locks happens if be inclined to separate before blood is drawn it's usually a sign it won't end well when it gets to that stage
The father would back into a corner and protect himself when the son tried to chase him. The chasing was intermittent. At first the son tried to hump his father but then he stopped. The cage was neutral territory and we only had tunnels and bridges so the guinea pigs could not get trapped. The cage was the size of a 2 by 4 C&C cage.
It's normal in first introse just watch as it is dominance and can go either way. If lunging and further locks happens if be inclined to separate before blood is drawn it's usually a sign it won't end well when it gets to that stage
Fur typos soz
The father would back into a corner and protect himself when the son tried to chase him. The chasing was intermittent. At first the son tried to hump his father but then he stopped. The cage was neutral territory and we only had tunnels and bridges so the guinea pigs could not get trapped. The cage was the size of a 2 by 4 C&C cage.
When introducing you don’t put in any hides. Just a pile of hay. They really do need a 2x5.
if the dad was letting himself be humped it may be okay. And if he’s not confronting the baby when chased that’s also okay. As said chasing and humping/mounting are mild dominance behaviours. Just keep an eye on them and make sure they have at least two hides, bottles, hay feeding areas and bowls (when it comes to pellets and veg). All hides need to have two exits so they can’t get trapped. Remember that dominance behaviour can continue for up to two weeks after they’ve moved into the cage together.
Ok, thanks! I do have 2 of everything and only open ended tunnels!