Teenagers! who'd 'ave 'them?

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Jul 9, 2007
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North Norfolk UK
I've had to reak up my boar pit
Glastonbury and Avalon my hormonal teenagers are proving too much for Sage and Frances
So Frances and Sage are in a smaller fenced of part approx 5ft by 18in and Caterpiller is sorting out the teenagers the older ones where dozing and then the teenagers would just start rumbling each other chaseing and being a nusiance
Sage and Frances almost look relieved now enjoying the quiet life
Caterpiller just remains cool calm and in control :)):)):))
Sounds like fun! Ben and Dave are fine at the moment and I'm hoping they stay that way. Ben is almost 9 months old and Dave is 5 months old. Makes for interesting times! Over in the other cage, Minty and Garry are now so much more civilised now they're knocking a year old...!:))
I thought you were talking about the human kind then...! Now those I could do without...!

All my teenage boars were pretty sociable really, its my oldie that used to cause the problems..he is content in his own pad now :))
it was over the past few days i realised i couldn't see Sage and Frances and the 2 youngsters where consyaly bum wobbling it seems to have quietened down at the momet and Sage and Frances just look so relaxed :))
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