Teenage Bonding Struggles


New Born Pup
Aug 14, 2024
Reaction score
Hull, UK
Hi I'm kinda new here and was hoping some advise on my boars as I have looked at some other posts but thought it was best posting something about my own boys :)

In early June, our single adopted male of 9 passed away and we ended up taking in 3 young boars (roughly 12 weeks at that point) I was very ill informed about multiple boars at the time, but have been doing my research since getting them. Since then, the boars have been split into a 1 and a 2 as it was getting a little heated early July and myself and my partner thought it was best to keep the two that were really close together and put our little Ember next door so he can still interact.

Everything has been going swimmingly until this week, I am aware that they are now roughly 4 months which is the start of teenage-hood so they're getting a little dominant. Beforehand the two boars living together (Moose and Saggi (short for Sagittarius)) would rumble and have a few mounts here and there and quite happily relax and cuddle together. But this week theres been a slight change.

Saggi has been chinning much more up to Moose, teeth chattering from all three of them (yes Ember now wants to get involved too 🤦‍♀️) and quite a bit of chasing, and one time a lunge, to which Moose is running away and making some noises which sound more like he's complaining and not being submissive (I could be wrong though). Poor Moose when its all over takes himself into a corner hidey and flops, looks exhausted by the whole interaction, then they stop doing it for a good couple of hours. It doesn't look like theres been any nipping as we check on the boys daily by getting them out for cuddles, checks, grooming and some floor time. But it seems to always be constant, myself and my partner work alternative patterns somedays so they are watched quite frequently.

Part of me was thinking should I split them until they're older when all the hormones have died down and try to re-bond them in neutral territory? But at the same time I don't want to pull them away from each other if they are going to resolve this by themselves. Another thing is should the cage be bigger than it is, would this actually help more?

Is this normal? Am I stressing over nothing?

Just to note, Ember is in a 2 x 3 c&c and Saggi and Moose are in a 3 x 4 c&c. I've given multiple hides with two exits, multiple hay boxes and water resources.

Hopefully someone can help me out cause I feel like I'm overly stressing about them as I really don't want them to get hurt
Hello and welcome to the forum. The cage sizes are fine but I'll let one of the more experienced members advise you about the behaviour.
I have recently separated my Beastie Boys due to the submissive challenging the dominant frequently. They are Dignified Sir George and his unruly sidekick, Mischievous Master Boris.
Welcome to the forum

Cage size and set up wise all is fine.
A large cage is needed but if two piggies don’t like each other then no amount of space will fix that.

Generally speaking unless you see a fight and injuries or if there is obvious bullying, then you do not do anything.
If things appear to be more than normal dominance, they haven’t yet had a fight but you’re worried about the functionality of their bond then you can carry out a trial separation for a few days to allow them to calm down. You then reintroduce in neutral territory and see what happens during their time in neutral territory. If it goes well, then they should be fine to remain together from then on. If things escalate/fight in the bonding pen then their bond is over.
A trial separation is not something you can do repeatedly as repeated separations can put strain on a bond.

Do note though that it is not a case of separating now and reintroducing when they are older and hormones settle. Any separation now due to a failed bond is a permanent lifelong separation. You will never be able to reintroduce two piggies who do not like each other now simply because they will not change their minds about each other in the future even after they are not so hormonal. Do also note they hormones are raging until they are around a year old, they’re still somewhat hormonal at 18 months old but testosterone doesn’t actually start to fizzle out until they are much older - 4-5 years old.

Than kyou both for your reply! I thought this might've been the case but wanted to make super sure that there wasnt anything i should be doing and just leave them be to see if they sort it out.

I forgot to mention in my original post, but it does seem that Moose seems to do most of the rumbling towards Saggi, to which Saggi chases him off and Moose complains/submits? I assume this is him just pushing his boundaries with Saggi due to the age.

I am certain that Saggi might be the dominant one so my partner and I have been taking steps to handling him first (as I've read its important to do so)
Hello and welcome to the forum. The cage sizes are fine but I'll let one of the more experienced members advise you about the behaviour.
I have recently separated my Beastie Boys due to the submissive challenging the dominant frequently. They are Dignified Sir George and his unruly sidekick, Mischievous Master Boris.
Aw I love their names! I guess I'll have to see an eye out and see how it goes with them two - hopefully they can resolve it :)