Ted getting accepted

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Jul 11, 2009
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remember Ted? He was the piggy we adopted a few weeks ago with fungal infection. So now he's pretty much healed and is ready to live with Figgy and Serge. We put them in the bath together a couple of days ago and after initial hoo-ha between Serge and Ted (both teenagers) they settled down ok. We put them in the cage together after a couple of hours, but after another couple of hours they started to fight. I panicked, got Ted out of the cage and put him back in his own cage. Since then the boys have been chatting to each other constantly through the bars, so today I've put them back in the bathtub together. First I spread a little neem and lavender gel on them all, and although the teens keep teeth-chattering, putting up their hackles and generally getting annoyed, they are also happily munching hay together in between all this. How long would it be safe before trying them in the cage again? Also, should I let them fight it out as long as there is no blood?
When I introduce my pigs I never put either pig in the others cage for a few days.

Could you try them in a neutral area?
They are in a neutral area, they are all in the bath tub at the moment, and are getting along ok-ish in there. At some point though, someone is going to need a shower so they can't stay in there for days :)
I just wondered how long I should leave them in there till I try them in the cage together
If they are OK together, I would remove them to the their well scrubbed (don't forget the sides and bars!) and as much neutralised and rearranged cage. You will need time to keep a close eye on the boars then for some time.
wow that is good newsxx. ufortunately i wasnt as lucky as my two boars will never get along again.its good to see a happy ever after xx
Update :

Well. They were in love. Now Ted is becoming a bit of a bully.

Him and Serge have been fighting a lot, and we've noticed that it's always Ted who starts to fights. We have left it, leaving them to bond, because wxe know it can take a while. He's also been picking fights with Figgy, which I am not at all cool with. Figgy is a doormat. HE's the least dominant and really has no business being in fights, as he is the loveliest person in the world. I'm also unhappy that Serge is getting into scraps, but it's normal, I mean, they are both teenagers.

We haven't separated them, but this morning I cam down to see serge has a little blood on his nose. It could have been nothing, he might have just caught it on his claws or something, but I'm unsure. Also, it's only a spot, so if it was Ted, it would have only been a little nip and not much to worry about (right?)...
We're going to wash them all together, clean out the cage and keep them in the bath for a while again today. Is that a good idea?
I'm slightly concerned that Serges state might be a reason for Ted to try to dominate him (is that possible?) Serge is possibly sick (we don't know yet what it is, we're going to put white towl down to see if he's still peeing blood) and... It's a little concerning.
I hope they'll bond soon :(
Ok, so yesterday they were all bathed together, cage scrubbed again and we put them all back. There is no more fighting so that's good. But the sad thing is Serge just sits on his own, up on the top floor all the time. He's not socialising with Ted and Figgy at all. How can we encourage him to come down? Is it normal for pigs to sulk? It's so sad, he used to love snuggling up to Figgy :(
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