Tatty trouble

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Aug 13, 2012
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North East England, UK
Hi everyone,

I have a bit of a problem with my 2 long-haired boars, Holmes and Watson. I've had them about a month now - the problem is that they aren't big fans of being picked up yet.

They both go about their business in their hutch happily with me there, and they eat out of my hand. Watson is very jumpy if I try to touch him. Holmes was fine, even being picked up, but when I picked him up last night it seemed he was reaching his head round to bite me.

With them being long-haired, a certain amount of regular handling is necessary so I gather. I need to brush them, and because I've not wanted to stress them I've not done so for almost two weeks. I've now noticed the hair around their tail end getting a bit tatty and getting bits of hay etc. stuck there.

I wondered whether anyone has any advice on how I can sort this - I'm thinking I could pick them up in their tunnel, and try and either brush or trim the hair while they're sat on my lap with some nibbles, but I don't want to stress them out. Would I be better bathing them instead?

Any advice is much appreciated, cheers!

I suggest ushering them into something such a cosy or upturned pigloo then picking them up this way. This way they will be less frightened.
Hi Matthew. This is normal for guinea pigs. None of mine like to be picked up and I have had one for three years. You just have to do it everyday anyway to get them used to it. In can help to coach them into a bed or tunnel and pick them up in there.
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