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New Born Pup
Sep 3, 2012
Reaction score
Evansville, Indiana
I have a guinea pig that is not tame yet. I need to pick him up out of the cage for floor time and cuddling, but he runs away really fast or starts teeth chattering at me. I believe that putting a blanket over him to pick him up is cruel, and I don't think it's helping me to tame him at all. HELP!?/:{:...
Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind! You could either do what I do and just constantly chase them about until I catch them or Let them run into a tube and lift the tube and put it down so the can use it to play as well as a good way to pick them up. They will get used to it pretty soon, as long as you are persistent and patient with them. It takes time but in the end it's all worth it
I started with my girls spending time with just my hands in the cage, inspecting things.. turning stuff over.. and if they ever came up to me 'oh look, coriander and dandelions!'.. I would take the time whilst they were nibbling whatever I was holding to tickle an ear, or stroke the shoulder blade with a finger from the same hand.. Dont go for the face, neck or paws straight away, these take a bit more time.. shoulder and back is the area most guineas groom each other but hips and tummy are a bit more sensative for them.

I ended up coaxing them in the tunnel and lifting it out.. took a few months (and I was still doing it every once in a while a few years later). One of my girls got used to running up to the front of the cage when I presented food. It didnt take long before I was scooping her up as she ran to the front of the cage and reached up to see what I had.

Only ever got used to getting out one of them, the other never liked it. Good luck! and remember coriander and dandelions are a slaves best friend!
I'm having trouble with mine too...they're only 3.5 months old (had them from 6 weeks) but they had ringworm when we got them so we couldn't handle them.

I do have to chase them round a bit but can get them quite quickly...but they won't sit still on our laps unless they are eating, and even then they're not relaxed. As soon as they finish they're wanting to run away. They will take food from my hand and recognise my voice..would be so nice for them to sit and have a cuddle though.. :(
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