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Jan 16, 2010
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i know alot of people have asked about taming but I'm just wanting to be sure that I'm doing the right thing. One of my guinea pigs is really laid back and is quite easy to pick up.The other piggy is a different storey. it wriggles so mmuch when i go to pick it up sometimes you have to let go. Anyway i haven't given up hope! I already pick him up daily but is there anything else i can do(We've had him over three months!mallethead)
Will they take food out of your hand? Can you feed them really tasty treats in your arms?

Can you put a small towel on your lap for them to hide under while they get calmer?

Make sure you handle daily and always make it a nice experience until they relax. Three months isn't actually that long in guinea pig terms.
some times it takes a piggie a while to get comfortable with handling. Mine still don't like being picked up but once they are picked up they settle really quickly. keep at it, it does get easier and it is so worth it.
When i actually have my piggy on my lap he will sometimes take food out of my hand. i have'nt tried when they are the hutch but i will.whenever i take them out i have a towel on my lap anyway but this morning was hilarious. I had my dressing gown on and suddenly the guinea pig started to go up my side i found it well funny so i guess next time i will put a towel for him to bury into. Thankyou so much i will try your great ideas.
I let piggies who want to snuggle under my pullover - a good way to relax them! But only do it with an old pullover and where you can change your underwear in case a happy piggy relaxes too much!

Make picking up a ritual with a certain phrase and melody so that your nervous boy can brace himself. Praise him for the smallest thing he does right, like you would a dog - piggies react well to that!

You can also try and train him to come onto a towel or into an upturned pigloo for picking up, so you can cut down on the stress of chasing.
I have had my boys for just under a year, and they will eat out of my hands fine, and Winston comes to the side of the cage and rings a little bell when he wants treats, but Albert is always so jumpy and skittish. I try to get them out every night and I always talk to them and things. Is a year a bit long for them to settle?
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