Tom seemed tame in the shop on sunday and jerry was terrified, both hid whenever we were in the room for 2 days but Tom was the first to come and say hello and carry on with his day to day business. Now it seems the opposite Tom will run wild to get away from you and when you do pick him up he kicks like mad, Jerry will hide in the corner but once you tickle his back he doesnt seem to mind being picked up and will sit on your lap for a few mins, Tom will get off as soon as you let him go. Both pop corned for me the day before yesterday and were quite happy running around but now both seem to hide when we are in the room. We bought them cuddle sacks today, Tom tries to burrow into the corner and jerry just sits there but looks scared - I'm wondering if jerry is taming or just playing dead - i know Tom is terrified but i dont want to give up and put him back like he wants i want to give him a few mins to see I'm not going to hurt him. Am i on the right path or should i be doing something different? They have had floor time and come and take carrots from us but then scurry off with them but tom seems to be more reluctant to do so now like we've done something to make him weary of us. I know its a long process i just want to know if i should be doing something else - I'm thinking a few sessions a day in their cuddle pouch and floor time with us around? I would like to have them on the sofa with me but I'm scared they will just jump of and hurt themselves so i stay on the floor with them all the time.