Taming And Feeding Advice?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 20, 2014
Reaction score
Leeds, West Yorkshire
Hi, I've just joined as on monday I adopted two boys and have a few questions about them. I've owned five piggies before, all girlies so have read up about boy behaviour and know they're more prone to fallouts, my boys are about 5 months old so hoping they don't have any fall outs but they've been fine so far and I've given them two bowls etc but will keep an eye on them, I've read up on what to do in case any arguments do occur!

Anyway I'd like some advice on helping them settle and become more tame, I've been leaving them quietly to settle and have started to sit by the cage and offer treats. One of the piggies, Bertie, is more bold then the other (Arnie) and he's settled a lot, when I first brought them home they kept running into their igloo whenever a noise was made but now he spends a lot of time outside the igloo and is much less jumpy. He's fine to take treats off me, he's very greedy! But is still startled easily by even slow movements. Arnie is a lot more skittish, not coming out the igloo if I'm about and still running to it if I quietly enter the room or move near the cage, he shows no interest in treats so I'm not sure how's best to get him more used to be when he seems to ignore all treats offered or left out for him?

Also how much pellets do people feed their guineas? They're on pets at home nuggets since that's what they were being fed, I'm thinking of changing them over in a while slowly to burgess pellets though? I've been putting pellets in their bowl morning and night and Bertie is straight at the bowl and before the days over they're all gone! They have unlimited hay, healthy treats and get a variety of veg on a night but even veg doesn't seem to interest Bertie as much as the pellets do, should they have a restricted amount?

Thanks for any advice :)
Hi. Liz. Welcome to the forum.

Up until the age of six months, guinea pigs can have unlimited pellets. There are no good pellets in the uk as they contain grains which are unhealthy for piggies. These are the best pellets to feed. Once they are over six months they only need five sticks a day each.

This thread will help you to settle your boys,

If you have two hides it will help prevent any fall outs too. They need their own of everything such as water bottles.
Thankyou for your reply, I will have a look into that feed thankyou! I've been refilling the bowl a little if I see it empty so will keep doing so for while then. I've had a read, so it's just a matter of taking time and keeping offering treats when they come to me, considering Bertie was similar to Arnie with hiding and now he seems happy be out a lot more in just two days I'm happy with that, just wanted to know if there was anything I could be doing to encourage them.
Yes they have two hides, atm they enjoy being in their igloo together but I've seen both of them use the other hide and soft bed which has a hood. I also put in a soft toy as I read they like them, Bertie has been lied next to that bless him and seems to like it haha!
Hi and welcome aboard! This is a great place with so much info and very very smart piggy peeps.

I have 3 sows!

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