Taming Advice For Babies

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New Born Pup
Jan 23, 2015
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I got 2 babies 7 weeks old yesterday. They were handled alot before coming here, but i understand I'm new. They are girls. One runs wild when i try to pet her. Even when i have a treat. She calms down somewhat once shes caught. But still wiggles. The other doesnt run as much. Will sometimes let me rub her ear and hold her without a fuss. But she shakes. Wont take treats from me but i can set one in front of her and shell nibble at it. So what is your advice for taming young babies?
Hello! The threads that Wiebke suggested are well worth a read. Whenever I have had a youngster join my house (i have 7 boars at the mo), I have really focused on establishing a routine - I find that they are a bit like toddler humans - focused on food, naps and a predictable routine!
The main thing really is getting them to associate your hands with good things ie food eg a spring of corriander or a bit of cucumber. Also I herd them into a cosy sack rather than pick them up with my hands - so again hands are kept for good things ie food. They will quite instinctively go into a dark fleecy cosy and then you can pick them up and they can wriggle for britain but are safe. Good luck with the girls.
I have 4 young pigs, 3 I rescued that are 12 weeks old and never been handled and one is only just 4 weeks old. The 4 week old one has settled better then the others! The others are so terrified that for 2 days they stayed inside the igloo. I put food and water in there because I was worried. Still now I have a cover over part of the cage so they don't get frightened, and they are still scared but they are starting to move around now and they've been eating
It really does take time. They are prey animals and tend to be fearful until they are accustomed to people. I generally try to spend short amounts of time frequently with new arrivals. At first they will be skittish, but they will improve with time. I often give them a snack before patting them, or a snack after I return them to the cage as positive reinforcement. We've just gotten a new pig, Hadley, who is about 3 or 4 months old now. She's been with us for about 2.5 weeks. She was definitely fearful at first, but within a week or so of regular handling, a couple times a day for short times, she has settled down and will now squeak contentedly when we pat her, will take food from our hands while on our laps, and will lay down and show by her body language that she is relaxed while being handled. She does still startle easily if there is sudden noise or sudden movement, and she does not like to be initially picked up or to be touched while she is in the cage or having floor time. I find that takes the most time... first they get comfortable sitting on your lap, but it takes longer for them to let you pat them when they are standing on their own (with the exception of very new pigs who just decide to freeze as a defense mechanism and hope that you stop seeing them!)
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