taking babies off mom

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 8, 2007
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From my other threads you will see i have just rescued mom and 2 babies (1 boy 1 girl ) and dad well they have just reach the age where i have just had to remove they little boy he has had to be put in a cage on his own as i do not want to put him in with dad as dad was responsible for aparently killing 3 of the babies at birth so am a bit worried about putting him in with dad so now he is all alone and he is crying for his mom i have put his cage next to dad so at least he has some company didnt want to put him by mom just in case that would upset him more is his crying normal and will it settle down in time the next question i have is i am currently caring for a friends GP a male who is 3 years old he has always lived on his own he is a very calm they would love for him to have a friend and they meet my little lad and wanted to know if it would be possible for him to be bonded, i have never bonded before and i am slightly worried about how this would go and how succesful this would be as the baby got older would they have problems any help or advice would be great
might be a good idea to try and bond him with your friends gp, they would need to meet on neutral territory, for example the kitchen floor, or I use my hallway. Then just monitor behaviour. You'll need to do this every day before they can ever go in a hutch together, and the hutch/cage would need to be thoughly cleaned before the males went in.

I am worried about seperating my babies from mum as the two boys are very attached to her :(
i have never felt so bad i can hear him calling for her he cant understand what is happening and he must be so lonely not having his mom and sister to cuddle up to i was thinking of putting in a little teddy so at least he has some one to cuddle up to until i can try and bond him
BIG HUGS on this one
when i seperated all the ones i've had its been heartbreaking But they soon settle after a day Laurent squeaked then went quiet but he calmed once we started cuddling him now he's happy again But we will be pairing him up with one of the other young boars just in just depends how things go with the others pairing up
Good Luck x
This is natural. All he has ever known is his mum and sister, and now they're gone. Give him a few days - it will settle down. You can give him a small teddy bear to cuddle up (oops, just seen you were already thinking of this!).. It's a good idea, but he may not be interested in it. Food is always a good distraction too!
good news my little baby has settled down he is not making so much noise he has eaten his breakfast this morning and some this evening along with his greens so i am please that he has settled down a bit i did a bit of introductions with my friends GP but he licked him then gave him a little nip not hard but then he tried this on my leg as well so weather this is his way of susing things out i not sure but i thought i would try a few minutes each day to try and slowly get them use to each other and see how it goes
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