Take pigs to EU holidays with car (Eurotunnel)


New Born Pup
Jul 13, 2024
Reaction score
St Albans
Hi All,
I have tried to read a lot about this, but some information might be outdated, some information confusing, so I thought I ask better to be on the safe side.

Unfortunately, one of our 2 pigs is a bit unwell, so we would like to take them with us to a trip to Germany by car, using the Eurotunnel train. We have done longer trips with them before, so we're not worried about the trip itself, but about the regulations:

a) When we leave the UK, we need this form to be filled out be a vet (within 10 days of travel), right? https://www.leshuttle.com/getmedia/..._pet_rodents_reptiles_and_ornamental_fish.pdf This will also mean that they will need a treatment against parasites.

b) Then we can say on the Eurotunnel booking that we will carry / transport pets

c) Once in France we are in the Schengen area and can travel freely to Germany

d) I was wondering about going back (around 3.5 weeks later): Do we need the above (French) form again? If so, I guess we will have to find a vet in German who will fill out the English/French form for us. I guess treatment against parasites is not needed again, because the form says something like up to 40 days before travel, so that the return should still be covered by the treatment when we left

e) Also, when entering the UK, we can write our own declaration (Bringing pets to Great Britain)

f) Are there any further requirements or things to consider?

Many thanks &
Best wishes,
When I brought my piggies back from Amsterdam (via the ferry) I didn’t need any paperwork to bring them back in - it’s what the UK government requires on pet imports that you need to look at, you won’t need that French form again as that’s for importing pets into France from outside the EU.

This was in December 2022, so I recommend doing your own research as regulations are changing quite a lot post brexit, but it should just be a check on the government website for imports.

Feel free to ask more questions, I’m an expert on this as of 2021 - 2022 😅 having done both journeys and substantial research on it!
Thanks for the reply. Eurotunnel website says:
[HEADING=1]Veterinary certificates[/HEADING]
For rabbits, rodents, and reptiles etc.

This is a health certificate document for domestic pets (other than dogs, cats, ferrets) from non-EU country to the EU. This form must be completed by a vet within 10 days of travel, and can be used to travel to and from the UK and France. It will be inspected by border control agents, so there is no need to visit our Pet Reception, or declare these animals on your booking.

The bold highlighting is by me, I thought that would mean that we need it both ways. But I now noticed that it says "can be" and not must be... That also answers my point (b) above, no need to declare them during booking
The vet is a bit unsure about the procedure, she asked:
- Which anti-parasite medication is accepted?
- Does it need to be an Official Veterinarian (OV), or can it be any vet?

I've seen here in the forum that Ivermectin has been used (and accepted) as drug, but are there others as well?

Best wishes,
I'm not sure about the anti-parasite medication, I can't find anything that specifies, but honestly, it's not a vet that checks the form so I doubt they will check as long as a vet has signed it. It might be better to get ivermectin just to be on the safe side, unless there's a really strong reason not to.

I see from this site that the requirements are (google translated)

"signed by a practicing veterinarian (veterinarian authorized to practice veterinary medicine)." So I think any vet will do.
Hello, @andre_xs . I just wondered if your trip with your piggies was successful and how it went on the euro tunnel? I hope your poorly piggy is recovering 🩷.