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"Tail" end poop


New Born Pup
Jun 3, 2022
Reaction score
Hey everyone! I've noticed my female guinea pigs have some poops that look normal and wet, besides this little "tail" or slight point on one end. I was wondering if anyone might know the cause or what could be done about it? They're eating normally, running and jumping around as usual.
That’s usually a sign of a mild tummy upset. Take her off veggies until 48 hours after her poo is back to normal. Then you can reintroduce it again. If it persists you will need to get her checked out.
Hey everyone! I've noticed my female guinea pigs have some poops that look normal and wet, besides this little "tail" or slight point on one end. I was wondering if anyone might know the cause or what could be done about it? They're eating normally, running and jumping around as usual.


What you are dealing with is the mildest form of dysbiosis (overgrowth of the wrong kind of digestive bacteria in the gut). It usually rights itself if you take your piggy off any fresh food for a couple of days and then introduce one more veg at a time for the first two feeds to allow the gut microbiome to settle in again.
Please don't worry, fresh, preferably green veg is only about 15-20% of what a should piggy eat in a day and that vitamin C comes with other food sources as well. Your piggy won't develop scurvy that quickly.
See a vet if problems persist or recur regularly.

There is more information on digestive problems and what to in this link here:
Digestive Disorders: Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement) And Not Eating
Hi! My piggies had this problem for 2 weeks when we first got them. It looked normal but was pointy at the top. It could be dehydrated poop, and I know that one of my piggies wasn't really used to the new water bottles. If this continues you should maybe see a vet.
I took the two girls into the vet Friday, the 10th ( It took forever just to get an appointment). He checked them out and told me they look, sound and feel healthy and normal. They're still having the pointed/tail end poop so I will try a hay and pellet diet for a couple days as suggested. I was a bit surprised he didn't offer any advice on what to do but, other than that they seem to be just fine.

I will attach a reference photo for anyone else having this issue and just so you can see exactly what I'm referring too.


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That’s good they are both healthy. Yes. I’d take them off veg for a few days.
I’m glad they are ok.
Yes definitely take them off veg for a few hours, it’s the normal course of action as soon as you see this kind of thing. This allows the gut to settle. If things don’t settle after a few days off veg, then to go and see a vet.
I see this on and off with my fluffy Louise. She's about 4 and has been with me nearly 2 years. A couple months back she had a transient bout of bloat - my first ever. I have 2 other pigs, everyone gets the same diet (they have their veg handfed one bit at a time so they don't battle for it!) and there have been no 'tail' poops or bloat for the other two. Ever.
Louise is a shy floof with a flouncy temperament to match her sensitive tummy and part of me wonders whether, as she was bred for her looks, she just has a weakness about her digestion - or perhaps she gets a bit stressed and that affects her sometimes. Or too hot in her fur - she certainly needs a trim at the moment. Or maybe she's just a greedy girl - she's now fatter than my old boar! It's worth cutting out veg a couple days to see what happens - it won't hurt them and if things sort themselves out once and for all that's great. With Louise I just keep a careful eye on my sensitive beauty and try and balance things for her so she can still enjoy her salads with her friends ☺️
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