Taffy and Tegan live UNDERNEATH their fleece!

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Mar 10, 2009
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Coventry UK
Prewarned by Suzanne that Taffy is unusually wary of open spaces, I have readied an old cage with a platform and lots of cover.

However, my new pigs somehow manage to ALWAYS burrow underneath the fleece and prefer to spend the day snuggled up - I should have called them "Lump" and "Bump"!

I've tried to put a small log hut under the platform to keep them from it. BIG mistake - Taffy was battering it against the wall in her attempts to get it out of the way (and waking me up in the process).

Can others help?

That's how the cage looks in the mornings:
How many guinea pigs live in that cage if you don't mind me asking?
Lump and bump would have been very apt names! That must be so funny to find them snuggled under the fleece. My montgomery never likes how I arrange his cage and always shoves his foodbowl to the opposite side of his cage! Funny little animals..
How many guinea pigs live in that cage if you don't mind me asking?

It's 2 piggies (mummy and baby daughter) in a temporary 50x100 cm cage; they go to a proper 2x4 ft cage when they are more confident.

My old cage has the added advantage that it has a flap in the side, so they can get used to roaming without me having to chase them in preparation for them to eventually join my tribe in the living room. We adapted that cage some years ago when one of my guinea pigs went blind.
Oh no it's lovely :) I was just being nosey!

Yes, I know - you really can't tell underneath all those folds... :)):)):))

At least they have settled enough for little Tegan to start popcorning and mummy Taffy to be confident enough to fight for access to the underworld!
LOL. that really made me laugh. sorry though, i have no advice. why dont you just leave them to it? is there any particular problem that bothers you? i find it very funny to find two big lumps under the fleece....rolleyes:))
I have no advise either I'm afraid. They do look cosy though and I imagine that as they become more confident, they will venture out more and more. At least they are safe and have found a forever happy home xx
I had the same thing happen with my two pigs. They didn't do it for the first 3 months of owning them but then once they found a way underneath the fleece that was it - we never saw them again! So although they may have been comfy I missed seeing them playing and was also, maybe irrationally, worried about them. So I started fastening the fleece around the coroplast with small clamps from the hardware store - it worked a treat. I made sure I put lots of hiding spots in the cage so they wouldn't feel deprived and now we are all happy!
Hi I also had this problem and tried all sorts of things to try and stop it....makes it very hard to clean when all the poops are under the fleace.
My 2 fave solutions were:
1. to use clothes pegs arround the outside of the cage to hold down the fleace.
2. This is the solution i use now. I have made something similar to a large cushion in Marvin and Choccos cages fleace then batting the fleace. Allong the edges i have a large hem which i put plastic tubing in when its in the cage. This meens they cant pull it up and go under. Also meens tho that fleace is always nice and straight so very easy to sweep up the poos on a daily basis. Takes a bit of work to sew them at the start but well worth it piggies love it and make my life so much easier
AHH that's CUTE. I have no idea what would help you out apart from maybe the pegs or frame thing but it's very sweet. Do they just sit there when they are underneath or do they go about their business?
As far as I can perceive they are quite happily sprawled on the towels below or even rolled up in the fleece... :)):)):))

Talk about flopping in bed all day long! rolleyesrolleyesrolleyes

Taffy's head and Tegan's bottom

I'm seriously thinking about using two layers, so the can crawl between.

Cuddle cups, cuddle bags, log tunnels have all failed as distraction...
I don't know what to suggest except from patience. Also, they may well be a bit more adventurous when surrounded by the others. Fin was very shy until we introduced frank, now he's king of the castle...
Wiebke what about covering a plastic tube like Bonnie did? maybe they'll think they can't be seen?
I'd try the two lots of fleece tho :))
awwwwwwww i like their new nicknames Lump and Bump :(|):(|):(|)x)x)x)
Wiebke, I can't believe it- we've come home tonight to find that Guinness is doing this exact same thing! My first thought was off Taffy and Tegan. Bailey isn't interested at all but Guinness seemed very comfy but I'm worried that Bailey will walk over him whilst he's under there. I took them both out for a play in their run anyway so hopefully he won't go back under again. I want to order both boys a snuggle sack when the £££ allows, I think Guinness will love that!

Lol, just thought I'd share this as thought it was a real coincidence! x
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