Adult Guinea Pig
I came home tonight and noticed Midge wasn't herself. Couldn't quite put my finger on it. She was laid on her side and her breathing was off- almost like hiccups, not noisy but definate jerky movements of the stomach. Well she went straight to the vets, they gave her a thorough examination and couldn't find anything apart from being slighty uncomfortable when her bladder/bottom area was touched. Just enough for a very quiet grumble. When she was there she passed 2 very large nicely formed poos but she was slighlty hunched up when passing them. The vet suggested we start with a course of metacam to see if this helped. We also have baytril so she has had a dose of both and been put to bed with extra treats. Her breathing has improved and she is no longer laid on her side. Now I know a pig being hunched up is a sign of pain as well as not eating but are there others. I really cant understand whats going on at the moment. By the way Midge is 5yrs and 3mths so when I saw her behaving the way she was I really did think the worse. Any thoughts.