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Sydney Vet for Bladder Stones


New Born Pup
Dec 20, 2023
Reaction score
Sydney, NSW, Australia

One of my guinea pigs, Woody, started peeing blood in his urine a week ago and whining when he does. He pees what only a little bit each time but quite often (8 ish minutes). In the last few days, he become a lot less physically active, always sitting down in one spot and eating a lot less. Before today he was eating a lot less hay but still eating cucumber, lettuce, bok choy and his greens (and pooping as normal) but today I woke up to a lot less poop and he is refusing to eat basically anything - I have tried hand feeding him his hay and vegetables and all he got down was a thumb’s length of bok choy. He is physically able to get up and run around (to refuse his food) but he doesn’t like moving on his volition. He has also lost quite a bit of weight this week - he was on the chubbier side before so now he looks normal and not noticeably underweight. I haven’t tried force feeding him with a syringe as I haven’t got one currently but I would if it’s the best option.

I am aware that his symptoms likely indicate bladder stones or a urinary infection. And so I have scheduled a vet appointment for him this afternoon at Birds and Exotics Vet in Waterloo, NSW, this afternoon. Does anyone in Sydney have experience with this vet and are they the best one around for guinea pigs? I searched and the only other exotics vet I could find in Sydney is the Sydney Exotics and Rabbits vet in Artarmon (but the reviews aren’t as positive).

Also the receptionist could only quote me $136 AUD for the initial consultation, but not for any tests, medication or operations on him. I was wondering if someone in Australia who has taken their guinea pig in for possible bladder stones too, and needed the x-ray/ultrasound and surgery, and would be able to let me know how much it was so I know what to expect.

I’d really appreciate some advice on my piggy’s situation, thank you so much.
Sending your piggy healing vibes. Good luck at the vets.
We are a mainly UK based forum but we do have a few members in Australia so I hope you get a reply re vets. I believe Lynn at Cavy Central Guinea Pig Rescue knows about a lot of vets in your area, it would be worth contacting her if you need further reliable advise.

I am linking some of the forum guides you may find useful if he's not pooping he's not eating enough. Hopefully one of our health experts will be along soon.

Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Thanks for the tag Claire x

Unfortunately I’m in Victoria so have no idea about vets in Sydney. I have however used a Bird and exotic vet in Melbourne perhaps they have a few around the country? Unluckily for me it was a Sunday emergency, and extremely expensive. And my little piggy stayed over night.
When I’ve had x-rays at my regular more local vet they have cost usually around $300, from memory. My consultations are $90, So yours does sound expensive but being an actual exotic vet it will be worth paying!
Good luck