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Swollen pouch


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 1, 2021
Reaction score
Hello back again with another health question! I noticed that Percy seems to have almost what looks like a little hamster type pouch on one side of his face. Note noticeable when he is chewing. He is eating as normal and fine (apart from the fact it’s too hot!) he is currently chilling against an iced bottle. Here are some pics but it’s not really obvious from them . Worth a vet trip? Has anyone else’s piggy had this? X


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Any swelling or lump needs to be checked over. Hopefully it will be something simple.
Hello back again with another health question! I noticed that Percy seems to have almost what looks like a little hamster type pouch on one side of his face. Note noticeable when he is chewing. He is eating as normal and fine (apart from the fact it’s too hot!) he is currently chilling against an iced bottle. Here are some pics but it’s not really obvious from them . Worth a vet trip? Has anyone else’s piggy had this? X


Have you felt both sides as a comparison and felt for a lump/swelling or are you just going by looks?
I agree. Feel both sides to see if there is a difference.
I’ve had a piggy with a tooth root abscess.

Is Percy (I had a Percy 😍) eating ok and is his weight stable?
I’ve had a piggy with a tooth root abscess.

Is Percy (I had a Percy 😍) eating ok and is his weight stable?
Yes he is a chunk and is eating fine. Was your piggy ok? Percy is the BEST name x
Yes Pepper was fine eventually lol. It took a few months.

I agree Percy is a fab name.
Update- I took Percy to the vets. The vet said he couldn’t feel much of a lack of symmetry but that there was a little swelling.

He couldn’t really look inside Percy‘s mouth very well because he kept chewing the probe (Percy not the vet 🤣) so he has put Percy on Metacam for a week and we need to go back next Monday. He didn’t think it was an abscess because Percy isn’t in any pain and is eating normally. It hasn’t grown in size but it is still definitely noticeable. I have no clue what it could be! The vet said I could have him x rayed but I chose to wait a week. Hope I’ve done the right thing.


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Hopefully it stays small and is something fairly simple to deal with 😊