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Swollen/Large Testicles?

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Jul 7, 2008
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I've got 2 pigs, Sharky and George, both Boars. The thing is Sharky seems to have fairly large testicles in comparison to his body and they stick out when lying down. Is this normal? He shows no signs of discomfort, but was wondering whether they may be swollen. They've been this size for about 3 months at least.
Sounds perfectly normal. Because GPs have short legs, boars have a substantial layer of tissue/fat around their testicles to help prevent injury. Some of my boars have larger ones than others too :D
i agree, sounds normal. If you are still worried mention it to the vet when you next take him to set your mind at rest.
Some boars can have large testicles,but if they seem hard and or one is bigger than the other,get him checked.It is possible for them to get a deep slow growing abcess which is not painful untill the last stage when it is ready to burst.The pig will then stop eating and be lethargic.The prognosis is very poor because the puss can cause septiceamia.If a dog gets a abcess in the testicle it will often have to be castrated to save it.
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