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Swollen eye?


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Gonna book Rue in for the vets this afternoon but just wondering what to expect when we get there, I’ve had a piggy who’s had hay poke before and it got infected but was nothing like this, woke up this morning to her eye like this(was fine last night)

Picture of her enjoying her bed too


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Gonna book Rue in for the vets this afternoon but just wondering what to expect when we get there, I’ve had a piggy who’s had hay poke before and it got infected but was nothing like this, woke up this morning to her eye like this(was fine last night)

Picture of her enjoying her bed too
Aww poor baby, hope you get sorted easily! It's scary how quickly these things come up!
Gonna book Rue in for the vets this afternoon but just wondering what to expect when we get there, I’ve had a piggy who’s had hay poke before and it got infected but was nothing like this, woke up this morning to her eye like this(was fine last night)

Picture of her enjoying her bed too


Good that you are having Rufus booked in promptly. It could be a conjunctivitis or something else affecting the lining round the eye and making it swell. What I cannot judge from your picture whether that is a window reflection or a surface scratch on the eye. Antibiotic eye drops (which are precription-only in the UK) should hopefully take care of it.

All the best.

Good that you are having Rufus booked in promptly. It could be a conjunctivitis or something else affecting the lining round the eye and making it swell. What I cannot judge from your picture whether that is a window reflection or a surface scratch on the eye. Antibiotic eye drops (which are precription-only in the UK) should hopefully take care of it.

All the best.
Thank you, we’ve got the vets at 3:30
All the best at the vets. Glad that you have got an appointment on the day.
Gonna book Rue in for the vets this afternoon but just wondering what to expect when we get there, I’ve had a piggy who’s had hay poke before and it got infected but was nothing like this, woke up this morning to her eye like this(was fine last night)

Picture of her enjoying her bed too
The vet put stain in her eye and had a look and she’s got a small ulcer on her eye, she’s got antibiotic eyedrops to prevent infection and metacam as painkillers, she should be fine within a week 🫶🏻
All the best. I was wondering about a potential surface abrasion but without a hands-on examination and the ultralight check to see the extent of any damage it is nt something you can comment.

It does however sound like just a fairly minor issue caught early so it should hopfefully heal without any major problems. . ;)