Switched Behavior

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 15, 2016
Reaction score
North Dakota
Our sunshine was the nippy one- Oreo is now the super scared one. Not sure why really- she will make this squeal that she's being hurt but looked it up and it's her way of saying she's scared- she won't let us pick her up, pet her, fed her or anything now. Not sure what happened.

Any suggestions?
Of course we r going to work with her and start over.
Is there any chance she could actually be in pain?
Maybe there is some underlying medical issue.
I don't think it is normal for guinea pigs to suddenly change their behavior so dramatically, so I think my first port of call would be the vet for a check up to rule out health problems.
Our sunshine was the nippy one- Oreo is now the super scared one. Not sure why really- she will make this squeal that she's being hurt but looked it up and it's her way of saying she's scared- she won't let us pick her up, pet her, fed her or anything now. Not sure what happened.

Any suggestions?
Of course we r going to work with her and start over.

Did something spook her badly or is she in pain/feeling ill? Are they outdoors or indoors piggies? if they are outdoors piggies, please check for mice or rats and make sure that the hutch is safe from predators like cats or foxes.
Here are lots of tips if she has been badly spooked or upset. If you are worried there could be a health issue at the bottom of it, please see a vet.
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
No rats or mice as they are inside. I'm not sure if anything spooked her. I try and tell my daughter to be quite and still when she goes in there but I don't always fallow her so it's very possible she could have spooked her by accident.
She's fine once we get her cought and pick her up- just the catch and picking her up she squeals. She's been eating and drinking well and know this as I have seen her. But yes will get her vet checked if I need to. :)
Is there any chance she could actually be in pain?
Maybe there is some underlying medical issue.
I don't think it is normal for guinea pigs to suddenly change their behavior so dramatically, so I think my first port of call would be the vet for a check up to rule out health problems.
If she was in pain would she teeth grind or anything to show me she was? Like I said she's eating veg and hay fine and drinking. She does come out of her snuggy when it's calmer in the room versus when my daughter is playing in the room. Will get to vets if we need to.
She's fine once we get her cought and pick her up- just the catch and picking her up she squeals. She's been eating and drinking well and know this as I have seen her. But yes will get her vet checked if I need to. :)

How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig

it can likely be that she is actually starting to trust you enough to tell you how she feels about things? You can find tips on how to pick up a piggy without having to chase and handle in the above link. Give her time to settle in; there are lots of tips in the guides in my earlier post. have a read through them; you may find them useful. A child with their sudden noises can be frightening for a guinea pig that is already on edge.
Is it possible that your daughter or her friends have chased her or made a lot of noise or sudden noises near her? Is it possible that one of the children has roughly handled her and spooked her? That can sometimes explain a change in behaviour and you may have to go back to step 1 again if she has been badly scared.
I would keep very quiet and calm around her, watch and try to rebuild her confidence again.
Yes those are all possible. I'm trying to explain to my daughter that there not like a dog- there more a quite gental animal- they scare easy and or a animal that takes a lot of adujusting.

Her friends will be watched more and now will not handle them till they are adjusted better so we don't have this issue again.
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