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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
West Cornwall
Peter Gurney recommends it and, as Riffy so loves having a bath, I thought he might like to try swimming - with help to start with!

Do any of your guineas swim and where do they do it?
i think princess used to try and swim in my sink when i would bathe her. but i think she only attempted it so she could make a clean getaway! :D
They all had a bath tonight. I filled Riffy's rinsing bowl very deep. He loved it. His ears and face were out the top and he lifted his front feet and started paddling. He didn't quite have the confidence to lift his back feet but I am sure he will. He was so happy he didn't want to come out ;D
Aww, he surely sounds like he wants to be a swimmer! Do you have a bath? If you do, then put some shallow water in and Riffy, then see what happens!
mine dont swim because i dont want them getting water into their lungs and getting phnumonia, I was told about this a while ago and have always kept mine in water that they can always stand with the water under thier chin and walk about in it with out getting any water in their face,
Willie tries to swim when I give him a bath in the tub but he isn't to fond of bath time but tolerates it fairly well.
Zubin would FLIP! if i put him in water I'm lucky not to get drenched when hes in the bath, Eddie hasnt had one yet we shall see and Harry isnt really bothered he just lys there lol fell asleep last time hes so like Rudi who loved baths
he he. Scarby hates them, Rocky has complete hysterics and Dr hated them too!

Riffy loves water ;D

He stood in a bowl of water this afternoon to cool off.
I have given Babs a bath a couple of times rather than a shower cos the noise frightens her. I support her under her belly so she can have a little swim and she seems to rather enjoy it, though I suspect it is the warm water she finds soothing.

Alex ;D
Eddie had his first bath the other day and he did swim of a fashion looked more like flapping though but he did enjoy it unlike Zubin who heard the tap and ran and hid behind the loo lol
I think Peter recommended bathing only as a therapy for piggys with problems, and I know a few people who have used it as excercise for abnormally inactive pigs. Allot of piggys get very panicy in water and swim only because ethey have to in order to survive. My advice would be avoid it unless it is totally necissary. With baths you need enough water to wash the whole of the pig, faces need washing too but I find a hand under the tummy for them to est on helps them feel more relaxed and at ease although some pigs just hate water altogether and flip out at bath time!
Riffy just loves the water - happy, calm, confident! I honestly think it's one of his favourites things to do! ;D
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