Forum Donator 2024/25
Hi, my 6 month old boar had an abscess removed yesterday from his neck, it was around the size of a golf ball.
They checked his mouth/teeth and don’t see any issues so they assume it was from a nick or a nip on his neck that became infected.
He came back from his surgery and seems fine in himself, eating and drinking fine.
This morning his neck seems to have blown up again, almost as if his abscess was back but sort of ontop of his incision. I’m too scared to feel about at it with fear of hurting him/stunting his healing so I don’t know if it’s hard or soft or anything.
I am just wondering if this is normal? He has antibiotics for 10 days and some not very great painkiller but i’m only giving him his antibiotics this morning as I wasn’t sure when he was last dosed.
From the last image you can see it’s sort of ballooned out the way.
They checked his mouth/teeth and don’t see any issues so they assume it was from a nick or a nip on his neck that became infected.
He came back from his surgery and seems fine in himself, eating and drinking fine.
This morning his neck seems to have blown up again, almost as if his abscess was back but sort of ontop of his incision. I’m too scared to feel about at it with fear of hurting him/stunting his healing so I don’t know if it’s hard or soft or anything.
I am just wondering if this is normal? He has antibiotics for 10 days and some not very great painkiller but i’m only giving him his antibiotics this morning as I wasn’t sure when he was last dosed.
From the last image you can see it’s sort of ballooned out the way.