Teenage Guinea Pig
I've got two boars, Sweep who is 17 weeks old and Fudge who is 9 weeks old. Up til now due to Sweep having been diagnosed with mange we have keep them in separate cages and once Sweep stopped scratching we have been letting them out to run on the floor together but always putting back in their own cages. They normally run round like mad piggies then Fudge starts trying to mount Sweep. Sweep bless him only shakes Fudge off, rumbles at him and sometimes wriggles his hips. I put them both in Sweeps cage Sunday evening with two of everything although they did squabble over Fudge wanting to be wherever Sweep was and Fudge was rather vocal there didn't seem to be any problems. My mom separated them again yesterday afternoon as Fudge wouldn't stop trying to mount Sweep and put Sweep in Fudges cage and Fudge in Sweep's. Last night when we let them out for a run round on the floor, Sweep's patience finally snapped and he reared up on his back legs and attacked Fudge. Is there anything I can do to stop Fudge trying to mount Sweep? Should I wait until Fudge is older before putting them back together? Sorry for waffling on a bit