Sweep Has 2 New Friends....

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Senior Guinea Pig
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
Took Sweep mixing today and he spent about half an hour in the pen and all calm so they said they can come home.
Since being home Sweep has been throwing his weight around a bit, chattering and chasing. But all in all quite calm- just odd spells of chatting, chasing, then all calm.

They are called Elderberry and Gogiberry at the moment, unsure if keeping names or not- will see over the next few days- but here are a few pics. The girls are so relaxed- Sweep is the more upperty of the bunch.

Gogiberry is the grey and white and Elderberry is the tricoloured one- and Sweep is the big ball of fluff throwing his weight around lol :P

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Just gone through and liked every single photo on Facebook. This is wonderful, am so pleased for Sweep, hopefully he will settle soon. Elderberry is the spit of my late Honey.
Wow they look so relaxed so quickly! I am so happy for you and Lionheart. They are going to be so happy living with such a wonderful mummy.
Thanks. Gogi seems to be the boss...she has just chased and pulled some of Sweeps hair...sweep has run off down the end of the cage again and Gogi and Elder are sat under the ramp. Elderberry is deff the calmest one...think Gogi deff wants to be boss- where are Elderberry just wants to get away from the bustle. Bless her. Hopefuly things will calm down soon...feeling guilty about it all at the mome. Sweep is sat on his own and the girls at the other end.
They are trying to work out who is boss. Please do not feel guilty as once this is sorted out Sweep is going to be so happy.
Yes will get there, until then am on tenterhooks lol. Always looks worse as Sweep is long haired so his hair gets tugged. Luckily the tussles are quick and then they calm down and relax. Sweep looks so sorry for himself sat alone at the mome.
I found it! I found it! Halliluja I found it!

Eeeeeek they are sooo cute! I loves them! I wanna snuggles them!
They are lovely!
The grey one is stunning. HOW do you get all the hay off your fleeces though?!
Thanks :) They are stunningly beautiful piggies <3

Dustpan and brush, luckily the oxbow orchard grass is nice and think so doesn't stick as much :) A good shake in the garden and brushed down and its good as new :)
Aaaawwww, what beautiful piggies! Elder and Gogi look so relaxed and happy, now they have a wonderful home and a big handsome fella!
Yay! They are really gorgeous, and I'm sure they will be really happy together!
I actually like their current names! (I find berry names really cute :D)
Congratulations Jenny, Have found your thread!

Elderberry and Gogiberry are stunning, I am so happy for you and Sweep. This is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship that I hope we hear lots about x x
Congratulations Jenny on your new piggies, they are both gorgeous! :love: :luv:

I love their names! They look so chilled already!

Sweep is a handsome dude too!
Thanks all. Unfortunately they had a big falling out tonight and the girls will need to go back to the rescue. Its a shame, but Sweep is my no.1 priority and he is so unhappy and frightened of Gogi- the dominant one.
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