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Surolan - bruised appearance on ringworm patch?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 16, 2018
Reaction score
Bristol, United Kingdom
One of my piggies came to us with ringworm. The vet prescribed Surolan to put on the patches and we've been giving them both Imaverol baths. We're off to see a guinea pig specialist this weekend to get some itrafungol and a second opinion because I haven't seen any improvement (I know we should have been firm with the vet the first time and got it then, but what's done is done!). Minstrel has a patch on her leg. It is looking less scabby, but has a bruised appearance (she has tan coloured skin on her leg and it's got sort of a black/blue tinge to it now, like it's bruised). Is this an effect of ringworm; I've read of black discolouration in humans with ringworm. Or do you think the cream is doing her more harm than good? We are going to see the new vet on Sunday and this will be 2 weeks since we started using the cream. Do you think I should stop using it on her until the vet visit if her leg has this appearance? I've touched the area and no squealing so I don't think it's hurting her. Thank you :)
@DizzyD95 I'd recommend that you keep using it, but definitely give your current vet a call if you're worried.

Is there any chance that it could be the normal colour of her skin? Or that she's biting it and causing the bruise?
@DizzyD95 I'd recommend that you keep using it, but definitely give your current vet a call if you're worried.

Is there any chance that it could be the normal colour of her skin? Or that she's biting it and causing the bruise?
Her skin was tan at the start of the ringworm I think! But yes, I hadn't thought of that - she might be biting it! I was just worried she was having an allergic reaction to the cream or the Imaverol - not that I know if guinea pigs have reactions! It's only a couple more days until the vet appointment, so hopefully keeping on using the cream won't do any harm :)
I've never used Suralon to treat a fungal infection so can't comment on that, but Imaverol has worked very well for me in the past. I know fungal looks worse before it looks and gets better so hang in there. Itrafungal has a very good rep so you couldn't go wrong with that either.
I've never used Suralon to treat a fungal infection so can't comment on that, but Imaverol has worked very well for me in the past. I know fungal looks worse before it looks and gets better so hang in there. Itrafungal has a very good rep so you couldn't go wrong with that either.
Thank you :) Tomorrow will be their last Imaverol dip (4 at 3 day intervals). The scabs are better, I just didn't expect her leg to go a black colour... I definitely think Itrafungal is the way to go and I'll be asking the vet for some on Sunday - the cream has been very ineffective. They're still eating and popcorning and are really happy which is good :) I just want to get it sorted as soon as possible!
UPDATE: Went to a new vets on Sunday who was absolutely amazing. We have been given different cream and already are seeing an improvement. She didn't want to give them itrafungal as she said they are very small and thought it may be a little harsh on their natural yeast production etc.. and they only have small patches. Apparently discolouration of the skin is completely normal! :) 2 weeks after flakiness has cleared we will do imaverol dips to fully remove the spores :)
UPDATE: Went to a new vets on Sunday who was absolutely amazing. We have been given different cream and already are seeing an improvement. She didn't want to give them itrafungal as she said they are very small and thought it may be a little harsh on their natural yeast production etc.. and they only have small patches. Apparently discolouration of the skin is completely normal! :) 2 weeks after flakiness has cleared we will do imaverol dips to fully remove the spores :)

Hi! May I ask what cream the new vet had given you?
Hi! May I ask what cream the new vet had given you?
Hi - this was so long ago but they told us to buy Dactorin which is human anti fungal treatment (for athletes foot I think). I remember being surprised but they're an exotic specialist vet so trusted them and so glad I did! We haven't had any more ringworm since 🙂