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Adult Guinea Pig
May 17, 2014
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I was wondering if I should get two food bowls for two guinea pigs? On the Internet it says one bowl per piggy, but I don't know if that's right. Pls help me!​
I have 2 boys so 2 of everything is a must to avoid territorial fights. But I have heard it is a good idea with girls as well, because females have a hierarchy & can get stroppy. Certainly 2 food bowls for 2 piggies won't do any harm.
My girls are happy to share a bowl and a water bottle. They eat together out of the bowl and wait for the other to finish before going to use the water bottle. However if they have to share a litterbox (I put their hay in litter boxes) they tend to get a bit stroppy.

I would just recommend getting two of everything, especially if you've got boars.
I only have one for each group but I know they are OK..Would get two to be on the safe side
Oh okay, so I should just get two to be on the safe side? Just getting this straight: two food bowls and two water bottles?
I bought 2 of each for my boys and so far after 2 days they are sharing but they're there just in case they do have a full out. Good luck
Yes I think it's the same for sows. The dominant one may stop the other from eating/drinking so if there are 2 of each, she can't protect 2 food bowls/water bottles at the same time :)
You may find they only use one water bottle, but it's always best to have two of everything to avoid fall outs :)
I would get two of each - hideys, bowls and bottles. Especially during the dominance phase when the hierarchy is being established during the first days/weeks, part of the dominance behaviour is to chuck the underpiggy out in order to establish first choice; that goes for both genders. Ideally, you place each same item at least a body length away from the other one to enable unhindered access.
In the case of pellets, rather give smaller portions twice daily than leaving one topped up big bowl out. Apart from the dominance, young piggies can be scatty and pee and poo in the bowl and mess it up.
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