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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 23, 2018
Reaction score
United States
Hi, I have 2 sick (the vet originally said they had pneumonia but she has been unclear recently if that is still the case) guinea pigs (1 of which is nursing) and because they are both under a year the vet says that the antibiotics to treat their illnesses are unsafe for them. While the vet and I reveiw possible alternative solutions, I was wondering if any of these vitamin supplements will boost their immune system or if they are just a waste of time.


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@raining.ashes I can't tell what the ingredients are in the first supplement so I'd skip that. The second is fine. My boys get them as treats.

Why won't the vet prescribe antibiotics? Baytril is often seen as too harsh for youngsters but there are other options, Bactrim for example. Sometimes if the pig is ill enough you have to use medicine that you would normally avoid.
@raining.ashes I can't tell what the ingredients are in the first supplement so I'd skip that. The second is fine. My boys get them as treats.

Why won't the vet prescribe antibiotics? Baytril is often seen as too harsh for youngsters but there are other options, Bactrim for example. Sometimes if the pig is ill enough you have to use medicine that you would normally avoid.
We had antibiotics but the bacteria is resistant to them.
We tried that.

Apologies, it wasn't mentioned in the thread so I wasn't aware. I'm sure your vet is doing so already but I would look into finding a specialist to review the test results.

If the issue is as serious as it sounds then supplements will have little/no effect