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Senior Guinea Pig
Aug 9, 2012
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South Gloucestershire
Did anyone else watch Supervet on Channel 4 last night? There was a dog on there who unfortunately had to be put to sleep. They showed the owners holding the dog as the vet administered the injection. I couldn't stop crying, and I turned to my hubby and he was crying too! I don't know how vets do their job. I think I'd be a complete mess every time I couldn't help an animal!

It reminds us that we need to cherish every second with our animals. As soon as we'd both finished sobbing, my hubby went upstairs and brought all our furry boys down onto the sofa and we all sat and watched TV together!
Supervet is a brill show and Noel is a fantastic guy. I've been through that hell of having to hold your dog whilst they go to their forever sleep, it's hard breaking and I would be the same if I had to do it all the time. So sad :(
I don't think I could do it as a vet. :(

I had to hold Gilbert while they put him to sleep and Ludwig. Hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life but... at the same time they were both so far gone that it was the only thing that could be done. Ludwig had had a seizure on the way to the vet and was gasping and twitching on the table (that memory haunts me...) so a nurse held him while I stroked him and they put him to sleep as I couldn't bring myself to just hold him. I wanted him to know I was there by stroking him until he passed.

And Gilbert was just a very sleepy boy not quite there. I don't think he even noticed the needle and he passed straight away and peacefully. His was a lot easier than Ludwig as we got a photo together and I will forever treasure it and Ryou was there the whole time keeping watch until they had to be seperated for the final part...
It was a really sad point in the programme. My heart went out to the owners specially the woman who was obviously so upset. I have been with most of my dogs when they were PTS by the vet. It is the worst decision to have to make when the time comes But I would like someone to do that to me if I was beyond medical help.
I didn't watch it yesterday, but have seen it in the past. It is an amazing programme, and as the title says, it really is super vet.
I've never watched this programme, things like this tend to make me a blubbering mess. I've been with all but one of my cats when they've been pts and I've had 10 piggies that have passed over, 8 of these I have been with and it helped enormously with my grieving process. The 2 that were pts without me there I still feel incredibly guilty at not being with them at the end.
It was so sad, and it was a few weeks ago too when another dog was PTS. I have had over 20 animals PTS over the years and I deal with each one differently. I was able to be with the majority of them and it did help knowing we were there at the end.
Yeah I watched it, I too was blubbering uncontrollably, always think of my past doggies, the pain is still unbareable.
But that man Noel is such a fantastic human bieng, a clever insightful man who's soul purpose is to help sick animals. What he did for that rabbit was amazing.
Every time I watch it I cry, be it for the loss of animals, or the sheer joy when things come out well. It gives you hope for us humans when there is people like him around. Noel Fitzpatrick is a saint x
He definitely is. I went to a pet show thing where he did a talk and it was amazing. He is such a wonderful man. I was sobbing uncontrollably, it's a hard thing to have to go through.
I love that show! I tend to avoid shows like that because I get to upset. But Noel does some amazing things to save animals lives!

Last nights was a tough one to watch! I got so upset by the dog :( my mum was madly in love with him through the tv!

Ive gotta admit, Speedy the bunny really touched a nerve too! :(
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