Super Agressive Boar.. advice please?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 25, 2012
Reaction score
I'm from the north east and now live in bristol
Had my two rescue boars for coming up to a year now. Although I know they had been together for at least a year before I got them. They both took ill a couple of weeks ago and had uti's. Which they have both almost recovered from. Bigger one (leonard) is ticky boo but the smaller ones (sheldon) still has a bit of a infection going on.

The problems is the smaller one.
The smaller one is a right bully! He has alwasy been a bit of a biter and pushed the bigger one out of the houses and stuff and been more dominant. Leonard just wanst cuddles off him and crys for him. But they had a big fight last week and sheldon got hurt because he is smaller and ended up with a bust nose and concust.

Sheldons aggression has suddenly bumped up 10 fold. He's semi fine with cuddles on my knee but as ive been trying to re introduce them though a divider and outside the cage. But sheldon just wont have it. Chases leonard the big one out of whatever houe he hides in. chases him from food. really super agressive. I had to seperate them again after a failed bonding session today. They were fighting bad but no blood shed.

Really unsure what do to. I dont think they are going to go back together.... but at the same time. I honestly dont know how i could bond anyone with the smaller one. Stupid thing is he cries when he hears the big one wheeking and wheeks back. But put them together its just a matter of time before they have a huge fight again :S

Any help?
Hey LucyMc, I just replied a bit about this in your other thread in Heath & Illness bit :)
It doesn't sound like he's quite right yet. I think I would hold off with the introductions until Sheldon is 100% recovered. He may still be in some discomfort which may account for his aggressive behaviour.
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