Sun or shade? Runs

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, England
I know this is a pretty simple question but hey, everyone tells me no question is stupid so thought I'd ask :P

Is it better to put the piggies in there run in the sun or shade? Or sun with objects for shade?

Thanks :P

Well, I think you should put objects for them to hide under in the run, so they can get some shade, and obviously for them to hide too. And when its sunny put like a towel at 1 end of the run so they have a cool shady spot to lay when they get abit hot after doing their little popcorns and running around heehee
Thanks guys. There run is in the sun until about 5:45, then it is in the shade...So I assume it's okay either way aslong as it's not too hot then?

Ali, they have lots of toys and things to hide in :)
Sounds fine Jane ;) but when it does get really warm give them as much shade as you can. Also ice packs in the really blistering heat help loads mine loved them last year ;)
Jane said:
Thanks guys. There run is in the sun until about 5:45, then it is in the shade...So I assume it's okay either way aslong as it's not too hot then?

Ali, they have lots of toys and things to hide in :)

They have their tunnel lol, and their wooden bridge thing, They love jumping over their bridge and running through their tunnel, so I would say the tunnel is their toy heehee :p
Well, as my run is 'built in' i cannot move it. The sun is only on the run in the morning anyway so it has not affected me yet.
good idea re the ice cubes! Mine are in the sun with things to hide under and when it gets a little too hot I put a blanket over one end to create shade.
Pumpkinpiggie said:
Sounds fine Jane ;) but when it does get really warm give them as much shade as you can. Also ice packs in the really blistering heat help loads mine loved them last year ;)

Okies - thanks. It can be moved it's just that at the moment it's in the most suitable place. At the moment they're in the shade but still happy and popcorning away (keep looking at my window to have a nosy!)

Thanks guys.
When I took the piggies to see Vedra she mentioned moving the run round when the shade/sun moves. She mentioned someone who had taken longer than expected to get home after the school run so wan't there to move the run round out of the sun. She got home to find the piggies had collapsed from the heat. Sadly she lost two out of three piggies and the third had treatment from Vedra. I was a bit confused later as to whether she was talking about high summer - very hot weather. She also mentioned putting a towel across one end.

Our run has a covered bit at the end so that it has shade, especially if the covered part is pointing towards the sun. However if we faced the covered end the opposite side to the position of the sun in the sky then it would not cast much shade at all.

So far we've placed the run in shade if it has been very hot but at other times they might have dappled shade or just the shade cast by the run cover. I assume that in very warm temperatures the shade has a cooler air temperature. If it was blisteringly hot (eg 30C) I've also assumed they would not be out in the run at all - please correct me if wrong.
dazie♥ said:
good idea re the ice cubes! Mine are in the sun with things to hide under and when it gets a little too hot I put a blanket over one end to create shade.
Not ice cubes they are ice packs ;)frozen pop or water bottles. I have some plastic take away cartons with lids that I use. My two loved them last year. You can freeze ice cream cartons or milk cartons anything really to keep those little darlings cool.
Don't want to take over the thread, but when do you think it is hot enough to use the ice packs etc?
I like the idea of the plastic take away food containers once wrapped in a tea towel they can lay on them. might do that too this year
The runs are in the sun, but we either cover them with gazebo or planks of wood across run :)
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